Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

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German magazine features new study on professional ski jumping

Judges in ski jumping assign significantly higher scores to their compatriots. This nationalistic…

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Implementation of a Data Science and Sports Lab

A Data Science and Sports Lab has been established at the University of Tübingen. Several…

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PhD position in Sport Economics

PhD position at the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Tübingen

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Jörg Strübing in den Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD) gewählt

Der RatSWD berät seit 2004 Bundes- und Landesregierungen in Fragen der Forschungsdateninfrastruktur…

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Professor Oded Stark: Award for Livelong Achievement

For more than ten years now, Professor Oded Stark from the Universities of Bonn and Warsaw has been…

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Studying around the world – From Lithuania via Ghana to Germany

Toma Katinaite graduated from Vilnius University in Lithuania with a Bachelor's degree in Culture…

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Cluster of Excellence Innovation Fund

Research grant for a joint project by Tim Pawlowski and Augustin Kelava.

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Ehrung für Hon. Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Lang

Verdienstkreuz am Bande der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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