Korean Studies Tübingen has a number of Korean partner universities, currently ten in number. You can find the list under the TUCKU / Partner Universities tab. This means that you can choose your favorites from these universities. In the end, however, the department decides which university you will study at.
Each university has a certain number of places reserved for our students. That alone, of course, limits the freedom of choice.
You should therefore state your preferred universities in your application. However, there is no guarantee that you will then also study at this university. Korean studies take into account a number of factors when making the assignment. Of course, the wishes of the students play an important role. However, it is also taken into account and weighed up what the student's curriculum looks like, which language courses are best suited, but also what the academic achievements are, in order to select the right university for each student.
However, you will receive information about the year abroad within an appropriate time frame. Apart from the information on the website, there will be two information events on the year abroad. The most important information is also summarized in the information brochure for the year abroad under TUCKU / Info brochure. In addition, your sónbae, i.e. your fellow students from the higher semesters as well as the master’s students, are happy to provide advice and assistance.