Faculty of Humanities

Multilingual Programs with Double Degree

Bachelor of Arts

B.A. History – TübAix

Der Studiengang TübAix zielt darauf ab, deutschsprachigen und französischsprachigen Studierenden einen binationalen Zugang zu Geschichtswissenschaften zu bieten.

  • French, German
  • Binational Bachelor’s Degree/BA Double Degree
  • Cooperation with Aix-Marseille University

The TübAix Bachelor's program aims at introducing students from Germany (or Germans peaking countries) and France (or French speaking countries) to a binational approach to historical studies. Special emphasis lies on the specific theoretical and methodological approaches of academic research in both France and Germany, thus familiarizing the students with both university systems.

The fields of study include all central epochs of European history as well as specializations specific to each university: Tübingen offers the study of North American and Eastern European history and Aix-en-Provence focuses on the African and Middle Eastern areas. Regional studies are included in the programs of both universities, as well as seminars to auxiliary sciences of history.

The students also select a minor, such as geography, French or German literature, history of art, etc. The intercultural dimension is at the heart of the program, as French- and German-speaking students complete their studies side by side and are able to assist each other as they work in tandem.

Homepage B. A. History - TübAix (in German)

Master of Arts

M.A. Intercultural Franco-German Studies / Aire Interculturelle Franco-Allemande (AIFA)

  • French, German
  • Binational Master’s Degree/Double Degree Master
  • Cooperation with Aix-Marseille University

The Master's program covers German-French interculturality in several fields of the humanities: language, cultural studies, literature, history of ideas, film and media studies, and philosophy. The binational design of the program focuses on the conjoint cultural space between the two countries. In addition, students complete a compulsory internship in a German or French institution.

Homepage M.A. Intercultural Franco-German Studies (in German)

M.A. Korea Studies – Master of Korean European Studies (MAKES)

  • English and Korean
  • Binational Master’s Degree/Dual Degree Master
  • Cooperation with Seoul National

As part of the master program Koreanistik / Korean Studies students can apply for the Master of European Studies Korean - MAKES in cooperation with the Seoul National University (SNU) and seek a dual degree Master's degree.

The program offers in two years a Master's degree with high technical and language skills and vocational oriented experiences. Students deal mainly with the central themes of history, society and culture of modern Korea. The critical examination of the Korean Peninsula, their localization and integration into a regional and global context opens up diverse perspectives. Graduates achieve a high level of Korean language (level C2 GER).

Homepage Master of Korean European Studies (in German)

M.A. History – TübAix

  • French, German
  • Binational Master’s Degree/Double Degree Master
  • Cooperation with Aix-Marseille University

The TübAix Master's program in history is based on the TübAix Bachelor's program. It aims to bridge the differences between the national education systems and the integration of their respective advantages. The more structured and knowledge-based system in France is combined with the German education that focuses more intensely on interpretation and in-depth studies of original text documents.

In the research-oriented Master students perfect their language skills in German and French, live in a cross-cultural environment and experience a thorough academic training in two countries.

Homepage M. A. History - TübAix (in German)

M.A. Slavic Studies - German-Polish Transcultural Studies

  • Polish and German
  • Binational Master’s Degree/Double Degree Master
  • Cooperation with University of Warsaw

Main elements of the Master "German - Polish cross-cultural studies" at the Universities of Tübingen and Warsaw are Polish and German literature and linguistics, intensive language training, translation and textual criticism in the German-Polish field. Based on a solid theoretical background knowledge students acquire practical skills in their area of specialization. In addition to the scientific and application-oriented events practical translation exercises with renowned translators are provided, as well as integrated workshops for creative writing and text editing. A four-week internship in a cultural institution in Germany or Poland is compulsory and provides first work experience and valuable contacts for the future career.

Homepage M.A. German-Polish Transcultural Studies (in German)

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