Faculty of Humanities

Tübingen Center for Linguistics (TüZLi)


The Tübingen Center for Linguistics (TüZLi) provides a platform for focusing the diverse research activities of Tübingen linguistics. Further, it offers an organizational framework for the interdisciplinary development of the intra- and inter-faculty cooperation between linguistics, cultural science, and cognitive- and neuroscience at the University of Tübingen. The guiding principle is the development of an integrative perspective of language as a natural and cultural phenomenon – a perspective that combines linguistic investigations into structure, interpretation, development and processing of language with cognitive scientific views on the biological foundations of language, as well as cultural scientific views on the cultural forms of human language. It is the goal of the Center to build bridges between the humanities and the natural sciences on the topic of language.


Prof. Gerhard Jäger (General Linguistics)

TüZLi's Activities


  • Participation in the EU Project CLARIN - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
  • Member of the Executive Boards and national coordination for Germany: Prof. Erhard Hinrichs

BMBF Project

  • Coordination of the BMBF-Project D-SPIN (Academic Coordinator: Prof. Erhard Hinrichs)

ERC Advanced Grants

  • ERC Advanced Grant CrossLingference: Cross-linguistic statistical inference using hierarchical Bayesian models; Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jäger
  • ERC-Advanced Grant: WIDE (Wide Incremental learning with Discrimination nEtworks); Prof. Dr. Harald Baayen
  • ERC Advanced Grant 324246 Language Evolution: The Empirical Turn (Evolaemp); Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jäger (2013-2018)

DFG Research Unit

  • DFG Research Unit Words, Bones, Genes, Tools - Tracking Linguistic, Cultural and Biological Trajectories of the Human Past; Prof. Katerina Harvati and Prof. Gerhard Jäger

DFG Research Training Group

Participating Members and Institutions

Faculty of Humanities:

  • Institute of German Language and Literatures: Prof. Dr. Katrin Axel-Tober, Prof. Dr. Claudia Maienborn, Prof. Dr. Irene Rapp, Prof. Dr. Britta Stolterfoht
  • Institute of English Language and Literatures: Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Beck, Prof. Dr. Sam Featherston, Prof. Dr. Andrea Weber, Prof. Dr. Susanne Winkler
  • Institute of Romance Language and Literatures: Prof. Dr. Sarah Dessì Schmid, Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Mihatsch
  • Institute of Slavic Language and Literatures: Prof. Tilman Berger
  • Department of Linguistics: Prof. Dr. Harald Baayen, PD Dr. Oliver Bott, Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hamm, Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jäger, Prof. Dr. Detmar Meurers

Faculty of Science

  • Psychology: Prof. Dr. Markus Janczyk, Prof. Dr. Barbara Kaup, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Leuthold, Prof. Dr. Rolf Ulrich
  • Biology (Cognitive Neuroscience): Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Mallot

MPI for Biological Cybernetics

  • Prof. Dr. Heinrich Bülthoff

MPI for Intelligent Systems

  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schölkopf

MPI for Developmental Biology

  • Prof. Dr. Andrei Lupas

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