Department of Psychology

Information on the Testothek

The Testothek is a central facility of the faculty of psychology. Its main role is the support of the diagnostic education of students of psychology, so they can become familiar with tests and diagnostic methods and get prepared for and educated in the diagnostic practice in everyday professional life during their bachelor studies already. The Testothek includes: 

The Testlibrary encompasses approximately 1000 psychological, pedagogic-psychological tests as well as other diagnostic methods incuding development tests, intelligence tests, creativity tests, performance tests, capability tests, aptitude tests, school achievement tests, recruitement tests, interest tests, personality tests, projective methods, methods in the field of clinical psychology, attitude scales and others.

The computer diagnostics which has been extended over the last few years in order to now integrate current computer diagnostic methods into the psychological education, offers three shielded computer diagnostic units, in which current computer diagnostic methods can be tested and practiced.


All paper-pencil and computerized psychological tests are to find under the following link:

An overview regarding computer testing you can download here:

Computer Tests

Authorized Users

Solely staff and students of the psychology department Tübingen are authorized for getting access to and borrowing the tests