Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science of the University of Tubingen conducts research applying an interdisciplinary approach to current challenges of societal significance. The University offers a variety of majors and fields of study, combining traditional disciplines with modern and ambitious research fields. This strength in research also benefits the roughly 10.300 students of our Faculty. In more than 90 study programs they study the latest research results during the course of their studies.



[Translate to Englisch:] Im Experiment mindern Mikroplastikteilchen die Mobilität von Wasserflöhen stark

[Translate to Englisch:] Forscher untersuchen, welche Auswirkungen die zunehmende Verschmutzung mit…

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An accelerator of cosmic rays with unprecedented energies at the centre of the Milky Way

Team of scientists identifies the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* as most probable source

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Virility drug may boost skin cancer growth

Tübingen biochemists discover signaling pathway in melanoma cells affected by erectile dysfunction…

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Facts and Numbers

Topics of the Faculty

Study / Teaching
Doctoral Studies
PostDocs / Habilitation