Faculty of Science

News aus der Fakultät


Laha D, Parvin N, Dynowski M, Johnen P, Mao H, Bitters ST, Zheng N, Schaaf G (2016).

Inositol polyphosphate binding specificity of the jasmonate receptor complex. Plant Physiol…

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SFB 1101, Tuesday, June 14th, 2016, 13:00, Lecture hall N2, Auf der Morgenstelle 16

Justus Wesseler, Wageningen "The Welfare Implications of Regulatory Delays in Approval of…

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Wie sich Seelilien vor 450 Millionen Jahren ernährten

Computersimulationen ermöglichen Einblick in das komplexe Fressverhalten der Crinoiden, filtrierende…

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SFB 1101, Thursday, June 9th, 2016, 13:00, Lecture hall N2, Auf der Morgenstelle 16

Dolf WEIJERS, Wageningen, "The structural and evolutionary basis of specificity in auxin action"

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Gastprofessur ermöglicht hochrangige Kooperation in der Mathematik

Als Distinguished Guest Professor kommt Alumnus Simon Brendle an die Universität Tübingen

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SFB 1101, Thursday, June 2nd, 2016, 13:00, Lecture hall N2, Auf der Morgenstelle 16

Joe HOWARD, Yale University, Movement of Cilia and Flagella Driven by Coordinated Molecular Motors.

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SFB 1101, Wednesday, May 18th, 2016, 13:00, 4U19, ZMBP, Morgenstelle 32

John Ward, Minnesota, "Using Marchantia polymorpha to study the evolution of plant transporter gene…

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SFB 1101, Thursday, May 19th, 2016, 13:00, Lecture hall N2, Hörsaalzentrum, Morgenstelle 16

Moussa BENHAMED, Paris, "Role of chromatin modifiers in plant stress and development”

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