Institute of Media Studies

Lara Luttenschlager

Lara Luttenschlager, born in 1992, is a research associate at Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen’s chair (print and online media).


Universität Tübingen
Keplerstraße 2
Raum 204
72074 Tübingen
 +49 (0) 7071 29-72363


Office Hours

By arrangement, please make an appointment via email.
I kindly ask you to send me an email as to why come to see me (presentation, final paper ...) at least two days in advance.


Lara Luttenschlager’s main research interests focus on media witnessing, media activism, visual communication, and changes in journalism through digitization.

Curriculum Vitae

Lara Luttenschlager holds a Bachelor’s degree in Media Science, Chinese Studies and Political Science from Tübingen University. She worked as an editorial assistant at the Französische Filmtage Tübingen/Stuttgart film festival for several years during her studies in Tübingen.

She also earned a Master’s degree in International Studies/Peace and Conflict Studies from Frankfurt University, where her focus laid on discourse analysis and social movement research. During her studies, she gained insights via internships at the French-German television channel ARTE and as a parliamentary assistant for EU-Member of Parliament Reinhard Bütikofer. She also worked as a student assistant on the project “Norm linkage as politics of legitimacy: The interaction of protection and prosecution norms in humanitarian intervention debates" at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.

Since October 2020, Lara Luttenschlager has been working as a research associate for the Institute of Media Studies at Tübingen University. Apart from teaching she undertakes the marketing of the Institute. In her dissertation project, she analyses the influence of online amateur videos on the visibility of social conflicts as well as on journalistic practices, using the example of the French yellow vests movement.


  • Sichtbarkeitskämpfe. Augenzeugenvideos in den Gelbwestenprotesten – eine medienwissenschaftliche Analyse 


  • Gelbwesten im Kreisverkehr – Analyse einer widerständigen Praxis


  • Augenzeugenvideos. Eine Analyse ihrer Funktion in politischen Konflikten 
  • Fotos für das Kalifat: Legitimierungsversuche des IS durch visuelle Selbstdarstellung