For many years, right-wing violence is a problem in German society. It happens in different forms - in the shape of racist pogroms like in Rostock and Hoyerswerda in the early 1990s; as systematic serial killings like the NSU (National Socialist Underground); as a consciously used means of terror; or as situative escalation.
Central to the first phase of the Starter Project, funded by the DFG (ZUK 63), is the formation of an interdisciplinary group of researchers:
The proposed focus will lie on the analysis of: firstly, the forms (narrating, problematizing, making it subject of discussion, etc.) of dealing with the experience of right-wing violence; secondly, the production of this range of forms (structures of participation, resources, ways of producing images, texts and political presence, etc.); thirdly, the reception of such possible interpretations in order to reconstruct the negotiations of meaning, regarding their potential to support a democratically carried migration society.
The intended project and its contributors approach participatory research and broach the issue of suppressed memories of right-wing violence - of a multitude of people - as part of political culture. This shall contribute to the present rehabilitation of history and lived realities in Germany.
The project is based on the cooperation with Prof. Dr. Fabian Virchow. Interest shown in this project can be directed to tanja.thomasspam or fabian.virchowspam