Workshop Description
Figurative language is pervasive in everyday language use - it can be found in written and spoken language, and it is often examined as both a linguistic and literary phenomenon. The linguistic elements included in estimates of use vary widely, as figurative language is a broad category, encompassing many forms and types of language such as metaphors, idioms, puns, proverbs, metonymies, and ironies to name a few, but Pollio et al. (1997) estimates that about four figurative expressions are produced for each minute of speech (as cited in Cieślicka 2006, p. 115). While we are familiar with the operations and function of literal language, the complexities presented by figurative language are less well-understood. Researchers from various fields have examined figurative language looking at its place in theoretical linguistics or literature, its effect on listeners and readers, as well as processing, comprehension, and even cognitive neuroscience surrounding this phenomenon.
This workshop is intended to promote an exchange between experienced and junior researchers in the field of figurative language research on the current practices and findings in this ever-growing field of research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: acquisition, processing, cognitive neuroscience, syntax, semantics, and corpus studies.
Invited Speakers