Englisches Seminar


Dates and Deadlines for Application

Students can only commence their studies in the B.Ed. English in the winter semester. The application deadline is  July 15.

Application Requirements and Admission Criteria

The general admission requirements are:

Admission into our study program is restricted (zulassungsbeschränkt). Criteria for being admitted include:

We offer 250 places in our study program per year. After the end of the application deadline, we set up a ranking of all incoming valid applications based on the admission criteria and the first 250 applicants in this ranking are offered a place in the program.

Application Process

Applications are handled online and the process includes completing the obligatory self-evaluation questionnaire (Lehrerorientierungstest) for future teachers.

For any general questions concerning the application process, please contact the Student Administration Office.


Frequently Asked Questions (in German)

Gibt es einen Eignungstest?

Im Fach Englisch müssen Sie die erforderlichen Sprachkenntnisse nachweisen. Dies geschieht überlicherweise über das Abiturzeugnis oder anerkannte Sprachnachweise, die das GeR-Level ausweisen.

Eine/n von uns organisierte/n separate Aufnahmeprüfung oder Sprachtest gibt es nicht.


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