Englisches Seminar

Career Opportunities

Graduates of our Bachelor of Education programme who want to pursue a career as teachers in German secondary schools need to apply for a Master of Education. Admission to the next phase of teacher education (Vorbereitungsdienst, also called Referendariat) is only possible after the successful completion of the Master of Education.

Alternatively, graduates of the Bachelor of Education English may also continue their studies in one of our Master of Arts programmes in American Studies, English Literatures and Cultures, English Linguistics or Cultures of the Global South and finally even pursue a Ph.D. (Promotion).

More Information

More on the
     M.Ed. English    


More on the
M.Ed. programme 

We offer specialist advice for M.Ed. applicants.



The TüSE also offers general advice for M.Ed. applicants.

More on our
M.A. programmes
We offer specialist advice for M.A. applicants.
More on our parallel degree
M.Ed. and M.A.
at the English Department
Parallel to the M.Ed., an M.A. degree may be earned, which improves the (international) employment prospects of our graduates. We offer specialist advice for all students who are interested in this option.


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