Englisches Seminar

Obtaining Credits from the Master of Education

"Vorleistungen Masterstudium"

From the winter term 2020/21 onwards, Bachelor of Education students may officially obtain credits from the Master of Education in their final semesters of their Bachelor studies. This option allows students to organize their studies – especially in the trasition period between the B.Ed. and the M.Ed. – in a more flexible way.


In the Bachelor of Education, students may obtain a total of 24 ECTS (including the subjects and the educational science program) from the Master of Education if the following requirements are met:

  • Students must be enrolled in the Bachelor of Education at the University of Tübingen and must not have lost their right to take examinations (Verlust des Prüfungsanspruches).
  • Students must already have obtained at least a total of 150 ECTS in the Bachelor of Education (including the subjects and the educational science program).
  • Students must be enrolled in the B.Ed. study program in the subject in which they want to obtain Master credits.

Master Credits in the Subject English

In the subject English, students may only obtain credits from two modules following the subject-specific requirements as stated in the module handbook:


Master Module Linguistics (ENG_ME_1)

  • Seminar Linguistics (6 ECTS)
  • Lecture/ Exercise/ Project in Linguistics or Academic English class (2 ECTS)*


all Linguistics B.Ed. modules (Basic, Advanced, and Focus)


Master Module Literary and Cultural Studies

  • Seminar Literary/ Cultural Studies (6 ECTS)
  • Lecture in Literary/ Cultural Studies or Academic English class (2 ECTS)*


all Literary and Cultural Studies B.Ed. modules (Basic and Advanced)

* All restrictions from the M.Ed. module handbook regarding the 2 ECTS element of the module apply!

For more details, please consult the most current versions of the exam regulations and the module handbooks for the Master of Education English or contact the student counselors of the M.Ed. English.

The Tübingen School of Education offers so-called Infoblätter on all relevant issues regarding the B.Ed. study program including the Vorleistungen Masterstudium.


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