Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft


M.Sc. Accounting and Finance

Within your B.Sc. you discovered a passion for accounting as well as for finance? In search of a suitable Master program, you found it difficult to combine these fields? The University of Tübingen enables you to pursue your idea by offering the M.Sc. in Accounting and Finance.

Recent observations clearly underline the need of high-quality education, combining analytical skills in financial risk management with professional knowledge in internal and external accounting. Therefore, this Master program rests on two pillars, Accounting and Finance, featuring an integrated analytical approach to graduate education in these fields.
Knowledge taught in this program is of great importance in several fields of business that rely on risk management and an understanding of how incentives determine behavior of managers within both financial and non-financial firms. In addition, profound knowledge in both Accounting and Finance is necessary in a more general economic context, for instance when coping with the difficult task of regulating financial markets. The scope of our M.Sc. in Accounting and Finance thus reaches far beyond the limits of these two fields of business.
Students are required to take courses in both pillars. Courses offered cover analytically challenging fields, such as Continuous-time Derivative Pricing, Advanced Corporate Finance or Managerial Accounting. Other courses focus on institutional aspects pertaining to Corporate Governance and Auditing, or Managing Corporate Taxation. Importantly, the program includes theory and application of empirical methods, such as Advanced Time Series Analysis, as employed in the practice of Empirical Banking or in institutions aiming at international financial stability. Further Information:

Webpage of the School of Business and Economics
Examination regulations



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