Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft


M.Sc. Economics and Finance

The M. Sc. in Economics and Finance combines the strengths of our faculty in economics, finance, and econometrics & quantitative methods. Completing this program is a first step towards an ambitious professional career in private and public institutions or academia.

The economic crisis that started in 2008 originated in the financial sector and had severe consequences for economies and societies worldwide. It is therefore of great importance that future managers in the financial sector, regulatory offices, and central banks have a sound understanding of the theory and real-world processes of financial markets as well as of financial instruments designed for risk sharing. Graduating from this program, you will be able to apply state-of-the art quantitative methods (econometrics, statistics, and machine learning) to analyze data for the purpose of assessing the validity of theoretical predictions implied by financial economic models.

Check out the link below to learn what former students have to say about the M.Sc. Economics and Finance and how to apply.




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