Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft


M.Sc. International Business

This master program provides the business leaders of tomorrow with tools needed to thrive in global organizations. It prepares them, as no other master program in Europe does, for the specific challenge of successfully doing business with one of two of the fastest growing economic areas of the world: either East Asia or Africa.

The M.Sc. in International Business is a degree program highly sought after by applicants and greatly respected by employers. Since 2012, we offer this program, which is unique in European graduate education: students will study the M.Sc. in International Business in their first year at the University of Tübingen and in their second year at one or two of the most prestigious universities either in East Asia or in Africa.

This is your unique opportunity as a highly motivated Bachelor graduate with a special interest in East Asia or Africa to experience an exciting and extensive study period in one of these two regions, offering you a fascinating blend of academic and cultural learning.

Further Information:



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