Korean Studies

Aktuelles - Wintersemester 2021/22

Frieden und Demokratie

Die Geschichte der kirchlichen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und Korea

Abschiedssymposium für Dr. Unsuk Han

Datum: 11. Februar 2022
Uhrzeit: 10:00 16:00 Uhr
Veranstaltungsort: Fürstenzimmer im Schloss Hohentübingen

Anmeldung für Online-Teilnahme an: natalie.bismarkspam prevention@student.uni-tuebingen.de
In Kooperation mit: Korea Democracy Foundation


CrossAsia: Einführung Korea und koreanischsprachige Datenbanken

Liebe Studierende der Koreanistik,

Bezüglicher der Nutzung der CorssAsia Datenbank wird es am folgenden Termin eine Einführung zu koreanistischen und zu koreanischsprachigen Datenbanken geben.

26.01.2022 | 17:00-18:00 Uhr

Eine vorherige Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
Die Einwahldaten sowie Hinweise auf weitere Einführungen finden Sie hier.

Konferenz Asian German Studies in Deutschland: Status quo und quo vadis?

Datum: Freitag, 04.02.2022 bis Samstag, 05.02.2022
Tagungsort: Fürstenzimmer im Schloss Hohentübingen, Burgsteige 11, 72070
Veranstalter: Dr. Kien Nghi Ha und Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee
Anmeldung: Begrenzte Plätze vorhanden, Teilnahme kostenlos, Voranmeldung
unter koreanistik@uni-tuebingen.de erforderlich Corona-Safety: 2G+-Regelung (Zutritt mit Nachweis eines aktuellen Negativtest, 24 Stunden)
Download: Tagungsprogramm (incl. CVs) als PDF hier.

Tübingen Korean Studies Lecture Series - Prof. Hyungdae Lee

9th Korean Screen Culture Conference

The full schedule, programme, and abstracts of the talks can be downloaded as a PDF here or by clicking on the poster.

DATE:  9-10 December 2021 (Thurs-Fri)
LOCATION: Meeting ID: 949 3001 6764
                    Passcode: 153390


“Meine koreanische Postkarte” - Gewinner

Korean Studies Lecture Series - Prof. Chong Myoung Im

December 8, 2021 (Wednesday), 18:00 c.t.
Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 30

Prof. Chong Myoung Im (Chonnam National University)

The Historization of the Idea of Democracy in the Post-colonial/-War South Korean Discursive Space
In South Korea, even military dictators such as Park Chung-hee (Pak Chöng húi) justified their authoritarian rule in the name of 'Korean democracy' while their nonconformists opposed the rule for the cause of 'democracy in Korea'.
This suggests that 'democracy' occupies a shrine for even those South Koreans in politically diametrical opposition to each other. With this in mind, this lecture addresses the issue: the historical progress of sanctifying the idea of
democracy in South Korea. In dealing with the issue, this lecture brings focus on the post-colonial history of Korea, which witnessed the investiture of democracy with a national doctrine, and its constitutional institutionalization
as such for the first time throughout Korean history. In those days, what granted the sacrosanct status of inviolable 'Zeitgeist' to the idea of democracy?

Chong Myoung Im
Chong Myoung Im obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago, writing a thesis on the making of the Republic of Korea as a modern nation-state. Since then, he has been working as a professor at Chonnam National University's
history department. He currently is a visiting professor at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Göttingen. His general research areas include modernism, nation-statehood in post-war/-colonial South Korea and
East Asia, subject formation and Its skills as well as international, national, and local politics and the cholera pandemic.


Alltagsgeschichte in Korean Studies

Center for Korean Studies at Tübingen University &
Research Institute of Korean Studies at Korea University

December 3, 2021 ZOOM MEETING ID: 976 2702 0052
TIME: 14:00-17:00 KENNCODE: 241248
PLACE: Wilhelmstr. 133 | 72074 Tübingen I Room 62

Prof. Byung Wook Jung (Korea University)
[Trends and Tasks of Alltagsgeschichte in Korea: Agents and Everyday Life]

Gwangsoon Lim, M.A. (Korea University)
[Encountering the Everyday Life of Chon Tail: Migration, Work, Struggle for Existence]

Prof. Nae-Hyun Kwon (Korea University)
[Yuyon-Incident and Inheritance Customs in Choson]

Ausstellung für HANGUL-TAG

Meine koreanische Postkarte

Die Ausstellung für den Hangul-Tag (Meine koreanische Postkarte) hat begonnen.

Sie können die Ausstellung unter folgenden Links finden:


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bitte überprüfen Sie daher Ihre Spam-Mails.

Bei Fragen können Sie sich jederzeit an Herr Kyung Jin Oh per Email
(mailspam prevention@sejong.unituebingen.de) wenden!

Kontakt King Sejong Institute Tübingen
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstr. 133
72074 Tübingen

Tübingen Korean Studies Lecture Series - Prof. Kyeong Sook Kim

Winter Semester 2021-22

Wednesdays 18:00 c.t., Wilhelmstraße 133. Room 30

Nov 24, 2021 Prof. Kyeong-Sook Kim(Seoul National University)

The Idea of Graveyard in Late Chosón Society with the Focus on Litigations

Dec 3, 2021
GEnKO 5. Alltagsgeschichte in Korean Studies Kolloquium 

Prof. Byung Wook Jung (Korea University)
Trends and Tasks of Alltagsgeschichte in Korea: Agents and Everyday Life

Gwangsoon Lim, M.A. (Korea University)
Ecountering the Everyday of Chon Tacil: Migration, Work, and Struggle for Existance

Prof. Nae-Hyun Kwon (Korea University)
Yuyon-Incident and Inheritance Customs in Choson

Dec 8, 2021 Prof. Chongmyoung Im (Jeonnam National University)

The Historization of the Idea of Democracy in the Post-colonial/-War South Korean Discursive Space

Dec 15, 2021 Prof. Hyungdae Lee (Korea University)

The Concept of Friendship under the Literati of Choson in 18th Century