
Tickets / Registration


The admission includes service fees and the possibility of an introduction training. For booking an introduction please mail to kuf@ifs.uni-tuebingen.de. The introduction is not obligatory and you can start training without an introduction. The admission has to be paid once and does not expire.

Trial training

The trial training allows you to test our offer in advance once free of charge. However, there are no trainers available for instruction on the equipment. The booking of the trial training ticket makes it possible to come by during the regular opening hours without an appointment and to have a look at the strength and fitness hall. Please take the ticket with you to the trial training.

All-day tickets

Allow use of the weight and fitness gym incl. climbing wall according to regular opening hours.

Morning tickets

Enables the use of the weight and fitness hall including climbing wall Monday, Wednesday & Friday until 2 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday until 12 p.m. and at weekends until 1 p.m. according to our opening hours.


KuF ten-tickets allow 10 times use of the weight and fitness hall incl. climbing wall according to regular opening hours (valid for 1 year).


The body analysis (bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)) utilises electrodes on the hands and feet to pass a weak, high-frequency alternating current through the body via the body water. This allows the following parameters to be measured:

  • Ratio of total body weight, skeletal muscle mass and body fat mass
  • Percentage body fat and the respective recommended normal range
  • Distribution of lean mass, fat and water separately for arms, legs and torso
  • extracellular water ratio
  • visceral fat in c m²
  • phase angle

During your appointment, you will receive a detailed explanation and interpretation of the measured values in addition to the analysis.


KuF coaching is perfect if you have already started training. Together we analyze your previous training success and optimize your training plan to ensure further progression. If necessary, we check your execution of already known exercises and show you the supplemented exercises of your new training plan.

Information concerning Registration

Registration is available online or on-site at the Strength and Fitness Center.

A fee structure depending on the status (student, staff or external) and a minimum contract period of only one month offers a very flexible use of the gym. When booking student or university staff rates, it is important to be able to present proof of status at the time of registration.

Regardless of status, we charge a one-time usage fee of 25 € for registration (incl. introduction to strength training or training plan design).

After booking a tariff can be started directly with the training. If an introduction date is desired please write a mail to kufspam prevention@ifs.uni-tuebingen.de. The payment of the user fee is made by bank transfer and is to be made within 3 working days to the account indicated on the registration confirmation. During the opening hours the Center is open for free training. The climbing offer is included in the fee.

Terms of Use for the Strength and Fitness Center and the Climbing Facility of the University of Tübingen

I Strength and Fitness Center


1) Use

1.1 The use of the Strength and Fitness Hall (hereinafter referred to as "KuF") is subject to a fee. Every user has to pay an admission fee of 20,00 €. Depending on the user status, different user fees are to be paid, the amount of which can be found on the homepage of the University Sports of the University of Tübingen (http://www.hsp.uni-tuebingen.de/).

1.2 Users are divided into the following groups:       

  1. Students (all Universities)
  2. University members (University of Tübingen/UKT or other universities)
  3. Externals
  4. Sports students (University of Tübingen)
  5. Special groups (enrolled top athletes, cooperations such as Pink Paddling, Tigers Tübingen etc.)

1.3 The student and university member rates can only be used with proof of the respective status.

1.4 The sports student rate can only be used with proof and in the period from Monday to Friday from 11:30 to 14:00 and Sunday from 12:00 to 13:30.

1.5  The assignment to a special group lies with the administration of University Sports Tübingen.

2) One-time free trial training

Interested parties can use the KuF for a one-time free trial training. For insurance reasons, the interested parties must sign the written declaration for the trial training strength and fitness hall in advance, stating their name by hand. For the trial training, the provisions of these terms of use apply accordingly.

3) Booking of usage permits

The usage options offered by KuF can be found on the homepage of University Sports of the University of Tübingen (http://www.hsp.uni-tuebingen.de/) or on the booking PC on site.

Initial bookings can only be made on the booking PC during the opening hours of the KuF.

Subsequent bookings/renewals can be made via the booking PC or, if a password was set when the initial booking was made, from home via the HSP homepage. A modification, e.g. from a 1-month all-day ticket to a 2-month morning ticket, is not possible from home. Such modifications can only be done at the booking PC.

4) Payment

Fee payments are to be made exclusively by bank transfer and using the transfer data stated on the booking confirmation, in particular the purpose of use, to the corresponding account of the Universitätskasse Tübingen. The payment deadline is three working days from the date of the booking confirmation. If the transfer is not made in due time, the booking will be cancelled and the user will not receive or will lose the right to use the KuF.

5) Check-In

Check-in takes place via the scanner of the "check-in" PC located at the counter. The barcode on the booking confirmation must be scanned and confirmed by pressing a finger ("check in") on the touchpad. Only valid access authorizations are accepted, i.e. those that correspond to the running time, time of day, or status (fitness card of the strength and fitness center). Beyond that there are no check-in possibilities.

If the fitness card is forgotten or lost, it can be printed out once by the counter staff to allow check-in on that training day. This process will be recorded by the counter staff and placed in the member's file. Repeated reproduction of the fitness card is not possible.

6) Introduction

New users have the opportunity to participate in a one-time introduction to strength training within one month after paying the admission fee, at a date suggested by KuF.

7) Dress code

Appropriate training clothes are to be worn for training. Training without top or bottom is not allowed. Furthermore, clean shoes are to be worn. Training in socks or barefoot is prohibited for reasons of hygiene. For the use of the equipment a towel is to be used as a base.

8) Handling equipment

Users are expected to handle equipment with care and in a manner appropriate to the function of the equipment or training matter. After using a piece of equipment, it must be returned to its original condition and location and disinfected. The instructions on hygiene rules posted in the training area are to be strictly observed. In particular, care must be taken to ensure that the training equipment is emptied of weight discs before they are left. Weight discs are to be placed on the attachments located on the wall or on the weight racks in the KUF. Under no circumstances are lightweight barbells to be loaded in excess of the maximum load marked on them. Damage of any kind must be reported immediately to the supervisor on duty.

For training on the weightlifting platform, the dropping of weight is permitted only on the rubberized surface (gray) provided for this purpose. Those weight discs that are required for either Olympic weightlifting or controlled weight dropping will, if possible, be given priority for these activities.

If users train outdoors in dry weather, they must use the mats provided for this purpose and clean any dirt from equipment used before returning it to the KuF.

9) Opening hours

The opening hours of the KuF can be found on the notice board in the KuF or on the homepage of the University Sports Center of the University of Tübingen. The KuF must be vacated at the end of the opening hours. The management of the KuF reserves the right to make changes to the opening hours and the courses offered. This applies in particular to short-term closures and partial closures for repair and maintenance work as well as special events. Restricted opening hours apply on public holidays. Unscheduled closures will be announced in advance in a suitable manner (e.g. by posting a notice in the KuF).

10) Code of conduct and house rules

10.1 The KuF strives to create a collaborative and friendly environment in which each person can develop and achieve his or her athletic goals. This requires a high degree of mutual consideration and tolerance towards fellow students and staff. Criminal or regulatory behavior will not be tolerated (personal attacks of a verbal or physical nature, defamation, political agitation, ...etc.). The instructions of the staff are to be followed.

10.2 The staff member on duty exercises domiciliary rights within the KuF. The orders of this person must be obeyed. Anyone who violates the provisions of the terms of use and/or the house rules of the IfS can be excluded from using the KuF; in this case, there is no entitlement to a refund of the fee paid.

11) Liability

The stay and use of the KuF is exclusively at the user's own responsibility and risk.

The University of Tübingen and its authorized persons are not liable for theft and/or loss of items brought by users of the KuF. The liability of the University of Tübingen and its authorized persons for personal injury and property damage of the users of the KuF is excluded to the extent permitted by law.

Users must show the greatest possible consideration for other users and refrain from doing anything that could endanger their own safety or that of others.

Excluded from the use of the KuF are:

  • Children and young people up to the age of 18 (except students enrolled at the university).
  • Persons who wish to use the KuF for commercial purposes without the permission of the operator.
  • Persons who are under the influence of drugs, medication and/or alcohol.

II Special regulations for the use of the climbing facilities


1. Admission and Opening hours

The climbing facility is open for climbing during the opening hours of the KuF and must be vacated at the end of the opening hours. Access to the climbing facility is granted to users only after prior personal registration at the KuF booking terminal and presentation of a valid booking confirmation (fitness card). The staff member on duty at the KuF may check the access authorization to the climbing facility at any time.

2. Liability information and climbing rules

Before using the climbing facility for the first time, users are informed in writing about the necessary climbing and belaying techniques to be observed and declare with their signature that they have taken note of the required climbing and belaying techniques and have mastered them safely.

a) The climbing facility is unsupervised. The stay in the climbing facility and its use, especially free climbing, is exclusively at the user's own risk and responsibility.

b) Entering the climbing area is only allowed with suitable and clean footwear. In particular, strongly profiled footwear, such as mountain boots or shoes with heels, is not suitable. Soiling and damage to the fall protection floor must be avoided. Damage to the fall protection floor must be reported immediately to the climbing area management or the staff member on duty. Climbing is only allowed in appropriate clothing. Climbing with the upper body exposed is not permitted. Body jewelry, especially necklaces and finger rings as well as piercings, must always be removed or taped off for reasons of injury prevention. Long hair must be tied up in such a way that it does not impair the ability to belay. Furthermore, adequate, closed footwear (e.g. climbing shoes) must be worn. Climbing in socks or barefoot is prohibited.

The use of magnesia is only allowed in the form of chalk balls and liquid chalk.

c) Areas marked as off-limits may not be entered or climbed. A rope of at least 40m length is required for routes in the climbing area. Climbing without a rope and belay partner (free solo climbing) is prohibited throughout the climbing facility. Violations will result in an immediate ban on climbing combined with immediate expulsion from the climbing facility.

d) Before starting to climb, a mutual safety check (partner check) must be carried out. The climbers have to tie themselves directly into the roping point provided by the manufacturer. Please follow the manufacturer's instructions! Tying in is only allowed with common roping knots, such as "double figure eight knot" or "double bulin".

e) When choosing belay partners, ensure a balanced weight ratio. The weight difference should not be more than 1.1-1.2 times. If the weight difference is greater, the additional weight bags provided must be used.

f) When climbing in the toprope, both carabiners must be hooked into the belay device at the end of each route. When climbing in the lead and in the trailing, all intermediate belays (express slings) must also be hooked in. In the overhanging areas it is expressly forbidden to climb in the toprope. In this area, however, climbing in the belay is allowed if the rope is hooked in all intermediate belays and in both carabiners in the diverter and the climbers climb on the end of the rope that is hooked in the intermediate belays.

g) Climbing in the lead involves considerable risks of falling and injury. For belaying, all express slings and both carabiners must be hooked into the belay loop. Climbers are responsible for the belay technique they choose.

h) It is forbidden to enter a route that is already occupied.

i) Climbing courses always have priority in the climbing area. Parallel free climbing is allowed if it does not interfere with the course operation.

k) Bouldering is not permitted in the entire climbing area!

3. Prohibition of changes to the climbing facility / liability of users for damage to the climbing facility

a) The risk of dropping climbing material must always be taken into account. Artificial climbing holds may unexpectedly loosen or break at any time and fall down, endangering or injuring the climber and other persons. No modifications of any kind may be made to holds, steps or belays. Loose or damaged handholds, hooks, express slings, carabiners, and redirectors must be reported immediately to the supervisor in the KuF.

b) Users are liable for any damage caused as a result of a violation of these rules of use, due to non-compliance with the instructions of the supervisory staff or in any other way due to improper use, in particular due to damage to the climbing facility.