University Library

Criminological Information Service (FID Criminology)

The Criminological Information Service (FID Criminology) at the University of Tübingen is provided by Tübingen University Library and the Institute of Criminology. The KrimDok database documents in detail criminologically relevant literature, and rapid access to the full texts from any location is provided where possible.


Bibliography: KrimDok

KrimDok is a bibliographic archival system for criminological literature. The database consists of various collections of literature and/or books and also includes individual articles from journals and collected editions as well as “gray” literature.

KrimDok also enables access to the full text resources of FID Criminology.

Link to KrimDok

Collection profile

FID Criminology acquires specialized literature in the field. This includes relevant texts as well as criminologically interesting works from related disciplines such as Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics and Law.

I. Key areas

  • Criminality and criminalization
  • Crime policy
  • Crime prevention
  • Crime risk assessment and prognosis of treatment
  • Offender personality, offender categories and offender groups
  • Victimological questions of criminology
  • Law enforcement and diversion and/or informal sanctions
  • Punishment and care orders, enforcement of sentences
  • Penal system, juvenile penal system and psychiatric treatment
  • Offender monitoring and offender treatment at liberty
  • Alternatives to classical criminal justice (Transitional Justice, Restorative Justice, Victim-Offender Mediation, etc.)

II. Fringe areas

Criminological aspects

  • of social problems
  • of law, economy and society
  • of socialization and informal social control
  • of institutions and formal social control procedures
  • of societal normativity (building, standardizing and violating norms; also social reactions)

If you know of a text that matches the acquisition profile of FID Criminology, you can send a book suggestion.

FID Criminology full text resources

The full text resources of FID Criminology include what is known as “gray” literature (e.g. reports from ministries, publications by associations, NGOs and clubs, etc.), which are compiled in a repository.

At the same time, scientific monographs that are in the public domain are digitized manually at Tübingen University Library and made collectively available in DigiKrimDok.
All full texts can be researched and accessed in the KrimDok database.

Other services of FID Criminology

  • Announcements and dates: Here you can find up-to-date relevant announcements and dates.
  • Criminological Newsletter
  • Criminological resources on the Internet: Here you can find a collection of criminologically relevant websites.
  • Book suggestion: Here you can suggest a book acquisition to FID Criminology.
  • Periodical licenses: Articles from locally-licenced criminological journals and articles from journals for which there are national licenses are made available to the specialized community via supra-regional lending. In future it is planned that other chargeable digital resources will where legally possible also be made available.

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