University Library


Which online journals are available at Tübingen University?

You can find every online journal that is subscribed by the University Library or another library in the system, as well as other scientific journals that are freely available on the Internet:

  • read on screen, store, and print out articles from all subscribed online journals as well as others that are freely available on the Internet
  • view tables of contents and abstracts of articles from many journals that are not subscribed by the University of Tübingen

How to search for E-Journals

There are many ways of searching for electronic journals. The primary route is via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). This offers the widest range of journals that are available to the University of Tübingen either under license or in the public domain on the Internet.

You can also use the University Library’s Subject areas, which provide information on your specific subject.

Who can access licensed online journals?

Members of the University (students and staff) can access licensed e-media within the entire campus network. Publishers’ servers automatically check your IP address to verify your authorization and allow access. University members can generally also access licensed e-media from outside campus. To do this you have the following options:

  1. Log-in to the campus network using remote access:
  2. ​​​​​​​Single Sign-On (via Shibboleth):

Some providers also offer the option of logging in via Shibboleth. To do this, select the University of Tübingen as your institution on the provider’s website and you will be transferred to the IT Center’s Shibboleth provider. Input your IT Center log-in data to gain access. Please only input your log-in data on the IT Center’s website, not the publisher’s. The IT Center alone carries out authentication.

External users of the University Library can only access e-media on the premises of the University Library (Wilhelmstraße and Natural Sciences Branch Library) and only on computers belonging to the library.

You can check your current IP address here.

Why can't I find a specific article?

Many journals (still) are not fully accessible electronically or for cost reasons we do not hold a full license.

If your article is not accessible here, you can still get hold of the full text in the following ways:

  • Check  Katalog plus to see if a printed copy of the journal is available in Tübingen.
    • If it is in the central University Library, you can order the article free of charge via the Tübingen article service TAD (terms & conditions)
    • If the journal is in a faculty or institute library, then you can access, copy, order, etc., it there. You can find the opening hours and contact details under the library reference number (21/...) in Katalog plus.
  • If there is no printed copy of the journal available in Tübingen, you can place an interlibrary loan request. (There is a charge for ordering items and delivery of printed copies.)
  • If there is no online version of the article and you would prefer a PDF copy, you can place an order via SUBITO. (There is a charge for ordering items and electronic delivery within 3 days.)

If you are unable to access an article and believe there is a technical fault or error, please write to us: Send a message

What programs/formats do I need to access E-Journals?

  • PDF format: Adobe Acrobat Reader (Download)
  • Postscript (PS) format: Ghostscript/GSview (Download)

Are online journals archived?

Tübingen University Library has joined the Portico consortium as part of the DFG-funded National Hosting project. Portico is a non-profit organization that ensures long-term access to full-text content of E-Journals and E-Books from commercial providers.

If publishers or other commercial providers cease activities, the relevant infrastructure fails or older editions are no longer available, Portico continues to offer access to the relevant E-Journals and E-Books.

Portico duplicates content and stores it in various locations. In addition, the e-resources are migrated to new technologies and formats, in order to ensure they remain accessible in future.

Recommending new journals

We are always glad to receive recommendations of new journals for inclusion in the Electronic Journals Library.

We want to continue to expand and optimize the range of electronic journals but to do this we need your help: please send us feedback, whether positive or negative. We are also grateful for suggestions on how we can expand our range as well as recommendations for new titles that could be included.

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