Korean Studies

Student Counselling

Korean Studies Program

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about studying Korean Studies.

Please ask questions about admission and enrollment at the student secretariat.

Bachelors Program

Student Counselling, BaföG Representative

Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee
Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 57
Tel.: +49-7071-29 72720
Fax: +49-07071-29 35279
you-jae.leespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 
Sprechstunde: siehe Profilseite

Masters Program

Student Counselling incl. Studienberatung inkl. Study abroad, Scholarships

Birgit Geipel, PhD
Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 60
Tel.: +49-7071-29 72705
birgit.geipelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Sprechstunde: siehe Profilseite

Academic advice on language courses

Euna Kim, Ph.D.
Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 58
Tel.:+49-7071-29 72700
Fax : +49-7071-29 35279
Email: euna.kimspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Sprechstunde: siehe Profilseite

General Student Counselling at University of Tübingen (German)

Information and Counsel regarding studying, Change of course and general counsel:
Wilhelmstraße 19, 3. OG
72074 Tübingen
Telefon: +49 7071 29-72555

E-Mail: zsbspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de



All freshmen in the Koran Studies major are provided with a lecturer from the Korean Studies section who is available to the students if they have any questions or problems related to their studies. The mentor generally looks after the students assigned to him or her until the completion of the bachelor's degree.

Mandatory mentor interviews are held at the beginning and at the end of the lecture period. The students have to seek contact with their respective mentor on their own initiative and visit them during the office hours or make an appointment. During the discussions, the students should inform their mentor in particular about their study progress or problems.


Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee

Jun.-Prof. Jerôme de Wit

Dr. Birgit Geipel

General studies

Information Events

There are also regular information events (study days, open days) for prospective students where you can find out more about studying Korean studies.