Faculty of Humanities

Teach@Tübingen - Guests at the Faculty

Winter 2020/21

Dr. Sophie Franklin

Durham University

Invited by Prof. Dr. Angela Zirker
English Literatures and Cultures


  • The Brontës – Authorship and Afterlives (Pre- & Post-1900)
  • Representing Violence (Pre- & Post-1900

Violence and Contamination in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture

Dr. Henrik Rydéhn

Uppsala Universitet, Sweden

Invited by Prof. Dr. Thomas Sattig
Theoretical Philosophy


  • Determination and Dependence in Contemporary Metaphysics
  • Causal and Non-Causal Explanation

Dr. Enrico Spadaro

Université Aix-Marseille

Invited by Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich

Neuphilologie. Deutsches Seminar


  • Tolkien: the writer and the illustrator
  • Tolkien and the classics


J. R. R. Tolkien

Dr. Arya Aryan

Durham Univeristy

Invited by Professor Dr. Christoph Reinfandt
English literature


  • The English Novel
  • Postmodernist Fiction and Theory


Contemporary Fiction in English Across the Globe

Dr. Sarbani Sharma

University of Delhi

Invited by  Prof. Dr. Karin Polit
Department of Anthropology, Asia Orient Institute


  • Politics of Time: Multiplicities & Inequalities
  • Rethinking Gender & Violence: Reflections from South Asia


Itineraries and Biographies of Azadi (freedom): Understanding politics of life in Kashmir

Dr. Beatrice Zani

Institute of Political Studies of Lyon (Sciences Po Lyon)

Invited by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yu-chin Tseng

Department of Chinese Studies - European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT)


  • Chinese and European Sociologies: Crossed Perspectives
  • Cities, Globalization and Urbanization in East-Asia: crossed perspectives on China, Taiwan and Korea
  • Economy and Society in Contemporary China
  • Migratory and Mobility Process in East Asia


Chinese Migrants’ Mobilities, Digital Markets and Emotions from Stuttgart, Milano and Taipei

Teach@Tübingen Alumni

Dr. Sky Michael Johnston

University of California, San Diego

Invited by Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr
Modern History


  • A Global History of the Little Ice Age, 1550-1700
  • A Global History of Astrology: Ancient Mesopotamia to the Present

Weathering Early Modern Germany: Vernacular Meteorology, Pastoral Theology, and Communal Life in the Long Sixteenth Century

Dr. Shao Chengyuan

UNC Chapel Hill

Invited by Prof. Dr. Guido Zurstiege
Institute of Media Studies

Regulating Global Digital Media Platforms

Intersections of surveillance technology and information privacy, with a special focus on theories of freedom of expression and privacy

Dr. Fu Ma

Peking University

Invited by Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Vogel
Department of Chinese Studies


  • Current Discourses in Contemporary China: Chinese History and Culture
  • States, Religions and Everyday Life along the Silk Road, as Seen from Unearthed Manuscripts in Chinese, Old Turkic and Other Languages
  • Introduction to Cultural Communication throughout Eurasia down to the Mongol Period


History of the Silk Road in eastern Central Asia between the 9th and 12th centuries

Summer 2019

Guest Home University Inviting Chair Courses

Dr. Curtis Runstedler

Durham University Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer, English Language and Literature

Alchemical Imagery in Late Medieval and Early Modern Literature

The Classical and the Medieval in the Moral Universe of John Gower


Josiah Nyanda

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Prof. Dr. Russel West-Pavlov, English Language and Literature

Narrating the self, narrating the other

Mapping the terrain: City versus Country

Daria Khlevnyuk

Stony Brook University

Prof. Dr. Klaus Gestwa, Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies Memory Museums in Global Perspective: Russian Case

Winter 2018/19

Guest Home University Inviting Chair Courses
Elisa Tamburo SOAS, University of London Prof. Dr. Karin Polit, Anthropology

Urban anthropology in a global context

Anthropology of Infrastructure

Dr. Alexander Wilson Durham University Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gropper, Skandinavistik

Alternative Communities in Old Norse Literature and Mythology

Outlaw Traditions in the Medieval North

Jamie Page

Durham University Prof. Dr. Ellen Widder, Medieval History Masculinity in the Middle Ages

Dr. Anna Kouremenos


University of Oxford


Prof. Dr. Richard Posamentir, Classical Archeology

Migration and mobility from the Roman to the early medieval period: the archaeological evidence

Themes in contemporary archaeology: globalization theory

Caroline Belanger


University of St. Andrews

Prof. Mischa Meier, Ancient History Satire and parody in the Roman empire

Summer 2018


Home University Inviting Chair Courses

Jamie Page


Durham University Prof. Dr. Ellen Widder, Medieval History Masculinity in the Middle Ages

Caroline Belanger


University of St. Andrews


Prof. Dr. Mischa Meier, Ancient History Satire and parody in the Roman empire

Dr. Roberto Robalinho Lima

Universidade Federal Flumiense (UFF)


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies, Romance Language and Literatures  
Luke Davies

University College London


Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hotz-Davies

English Literature and Gender Studies


Gwangsoon Lim

Korea University


Prof. Dr. You Yae Lee, Korean Studies  

Winter 2017/18


Home University Inviting Chair

Georgina Cebey

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Thies, Romance Language and Literatures

Adolpho Polo y la Borda Ramos

University of Maryland

Prof. Dr. Renate Dürr, Modern History

Rebecca Merkelbach

University of Cambridge

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gropper, Scandinavian Studies

Adriano Orsingher

La Sapienza University of Rome

Prof. Dr. Martin Bartelheim,

Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology

Dr. Harry Todd Craver

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Prof. Dr. Ewald Frie , Modern History

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