Coopted Professors
Prof. Dr. Erik Schäffer: Cellular Nanoscience (Center for Molecular Plant Biology)
Physics in Neuroscience
Prof. Dr. Boris Hofmann: Intelligent Neuroimplants (IAP, IoC)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schölkopf: Empirical Inference (MPI for Intelligent Systems)
Biomedical Physics
Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler: Preclinical Imaging (University Hospital Tübingen)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Scheffler: High-field Magnetic Resonance (MPI for Biological Cybernetics)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Fritz Schick: Experimental Radiology (Uniklinikum Tübingen)
Prof. Dr. Daniela Thorwarth: Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (Uniklinikum Tübingen)
Prof. Dr. Kira Rehfeld: Climatology and the Biosphere
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Drews: Geophysics