Institute of Media Studies


Broadcasting UK/DE: A cup of coffee with Dr Alexander Seal (University of Surrey, UK)

Wednesday, 14 August, 1.30 pm | Clubhaus garden

A cup of coffee with Dr Alexander Seal (University of Surrey, UK): 
On the similarities and differences between ARD and BBC.

Wednesday, 14 August, 1.30 pm
Clubhaus garden

The German ARD and the British BBC have a lot in common. Both are public-service broadcasters, both are funded not by the state but through fees. And both are regularly accused of being state-controlled or even the mouthpiece of the government.
In Germany, the last years have seen growing demands for the elimination of TV and radio fees. In 2018, Switzerland has even carried out a national referendum on that question (which resulted in 71% voting in favor of the fees). At the same time, some criticise the German broadcasters for not being digital enough and not addressing a younger audience appropriately. Such demands for amendments and innovation within the broadcasting stations disaccord with popular ideas of the abolition of the whole public-service broadcasting system.
How is the situation in the UK, compared to Germany? What demands are addressed toward the BBC? How do they respond? And what role does the Brexit play in all that?

In an informal roundtable discussion we want to exchange experiences and ideas to compare the two countries and broadcasting systems. Our special guest is Dr Alexander Seal, University of Surrey, which is a partner university of the institute of media studies. Everyone who is interested in looking beyond the backyard of our national media system is kindly invited.

Please register via mail by 11 August: internationalspam
