
Ausschreibungen von/mit anderen Universitäten

Die Universität Tübingen unterhält mit mehreren internationalen Forschungseinrichtungen Partnerschaften, die diverse Ausschreibungen für Fördermöglichkeiten für Wissenschaftler/innen aller Karrierestufen veröffentlichen. Auch gibt es Ausschreibungen, die ausschließlich die Universität Tübingen betreffen und entsprechend in enger Kooperation mit dieser erfolgen.


Bei Fragen zu den Ausschreibungen kontaktieren Sie bitte das Team der Internationalen Forschungskooperationen und Forschungsstrategien: international.researchspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Matariki Research Seed Fund

Das Matariki Netzwerk kündigt die Ausschreibung eines Research Seed Fund zur Unterstützung der Forschungszusammenarbeit zwischen den Netzwerkpartnern bei global relevanten Themen an. Der Call for Applications startet am 25. September 2023. Deadline für die Abgabe der Anträge ist der 8. Dezember 2023.

Weitere Informationen zu der Ausschreibung finden Sie in der verlinkten PDF.

Kontakt: Dr. Karin Moser v. Filseck, Matariki Koordinatorin Tübingen
karin.moser-von-filseckspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 
Tel.: +49 7071 29-77353

Tϋbingen - Durham Seedcorn Fund

Durham and Tϋbingen wish to develop a stronger bilateral relationship, building on their collaborations through the Matariki Network of Universities. The Tϋbingen-Durham Seedcorn Fund follows delegations hosted by each partner and an MoU first signed in 1989.

Through a competitive process, Durham and Tϋbingen universities will jointly advertise, select and fund projects in research and education. Successful research projects are expected to result in third-party funding applications.

Application Details

Fellowship Opportunity at Durham University’s Institute of Advanced Study

These fellowships offer the opportunity to spend three months working on collaborative projects with colleagues at Durham’s Institute for Advanced Study. As the university’s flagship research institute, the IAS aims to foster creative and collaborative interdisciplinary research, set tomorrow's agenda and leave a legacy of embedded research projects in Durham.


Networking Funds Tübingen-Nottingham

With this call for application the University of Tübingen and the University of Nottingham wish to strengthen and to develop their collaboration built on already existing ties and joint research activities. Both universities will make funds available for the call. Furthermore, the University of Tübingen strongly supports the networking with the University of Hohenheim and the University of Stuttgart, providing additional funds.

Application Details

CSC - Tübingen PhD Program

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the University of Tübingen have established a PhD Program which supports Chinese nationals inside and outside of China wishing to carry out all or part of their PhD study in Tübingen.

The aims are to provide high quality research training to qualified students from Chinese universities and develope education and research collaborations between the University of Tübingen and Chinese universities and research institutions.

Two funding lines are promoted:

Professors at the University of Tübingen who are interested in hosting a Chinese doctoral candidate in either funding line A or B can contact either Dr. Alexander Joost (eccs.mdspam prevention@gmail.com) or the Unit for International Research Cooperation and Research Strategies (international.researchspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de)

Further information and application details

Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Fellowship

This Fellowship offers current and emerging peace leaders the opportunity to increase their capacity to prevent and resolve conflict through academic training, field experience and professional networking. Fellows earn either a master’s degree or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies at one of the six Rotary Peace Centers – one of which is the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center. Requirements: Bachelors degree plus three years of related work experience.

Applications are accepted through May 31, 2018, for graduate studies commencing Fall 2019. Information is available on the attached handout and instructions on the application process through the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center’s website. Flyer


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