Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Ella Reiter

Laboratory Technician

S516, Hölderlinstraße 12
72074 Tübingen, Germany
Phone: 75651
ella.reiter@ uni-tuebingen.de


After my training as a medical-technical laboratory assistant, I worked in the central laboratory of the Tübingen University Hospital for over two and a half years. I have been part of the Archeo- and Paleogenetics working group since 2014 and I am responsible for several aspects such as laboratory organization, equipment maintenance, technical implementation of protocols, assistance in laboratory courses for students and work on projects in the clean room as well as in the molecular biology lab. In parallel to my job, I am currently studying molecular and technical medicine at the Hochschule Furtwangen and would like to focus my bachelor thesis on optimizing laboratory methods for ancient DNA research.

Selected Publications

Baumann, Chris, et al. "A refined proposal for the origin of dogs: the case study of Gnirshöhle, a Magdalenian cave site." Scientific reports 11.1 (2021): 1-14.

Immel, Alexander, et al. "Analysis of genomic DNA from medieval plague victims suggests long-term effect of Yersinia pestis on human immunity genes." (2021).

Furtwängler, Anja, et al. "Comparison of target enrichment strategies for ancient pathogen DNA." BioTechniques 69.6 (2020): 455-459.

Neukamm, Judith, et al. "2000-year-old pathogen genomes reconstructed from metagenomic analysis of Egyptian mummified individuals." BMC biology 18.1 (2020): 1-18.

Mubemba, Benjamin, et al. "Geographically structured genomic diversity of non-human primate-infecting Treponema pallidum subsp. pertenue." Microbial genomics 6.11 (2020).

Furtwängler, Anja, et al. "Ancient genomes reveal social and genetic structure of Late Neolithic Switzerland." Nature communications 11.1 (2020): 1-11.

Gretzinger, Joscha, et al. "Large-scale mitogenomic analysis of the phylogeography of the Late Pleistocene cave bear." Scientific reports 9.1 (2019): 1-11.

Belcastro, M. Giovanna, et al. "Ancient genomes reveal a high diversity of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Europe." (2018).

Furtwängler, Anja, et al. "Ratio of mitochondrial to nuclear DNA affects contamination estimates in ancient DNA analysis." Scientific reports 8.1 (2018): 1-8.

Schuenemann, Verena J., et al. "Ancient genomes reveal a high diversity of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Europe." PLoS pathogens 14.5 (2018): e1006997.

Exposito-Alonso, Moises, et al. "The rate and potential relevance of new mutations in a colonizing plant lineage." PLoS genetics14.2 (2018): e1007155.

Schuenemann, Verena J., et al. "Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods." Nature communications 8.1 (2017): 1-11.

Yates, James A. Fellows, et al. "Central european woolly mammoth population dynamics: Insights from late pleistocene mitochondrial genomes." Scientific reports 7.1 (2017): 1-10.

Prendergast, Mary E., et al. "Reconstructing Asian faunal introductions to eastern Africa from multi-proxy biomolecular and archaeological datasets." PloS one 12.8 (2017): e0182565.

Gutaker, Rafal M., et al. "Extraction of ultrashort DNA molecules from herbarium specimens." Biotechniques 62.2 (2017): 76-79.

Mascher, Martin, et al. "Genomic analysis of 6,000-year-old cultivated grain illuminates the domestication history of barley." Nature Genetics 48.9 (2016): 1089-1093.

Weiß, Clemens L., et al. "Temporal patterns of damage and decay kinetics of DNA retrieved from plant herbarium specimens." Royal Society open science 3.6 (2016): 160239.

Exposito-Alonso, Moises, et al. "The rate and effect of de novo mutations in a colonizing lineage of Arabidopsis thaliana." (2016).


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