Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Dr. Wanda Zinger

Postdoctoral Researcher

Hölderlinstraße 12, 72074 Tübingen, Germany
wanda.zinger@ ifu.uni-tuebingen.de

Associate Researcher:
UMR7194 HNHP, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Musée de l’Homme, Palais Chaillot, 75116 Paris
wanda.zinger@ mnhn.fr

Research Interests

I am interested in the history of human migrations and the dynamics of exchange in the Southwest Pacific by the reconstruction of biological and social identities of ancient individuals from Oceania. My postdoctoral research entails a synergistic approach to combine phenotypic and genotypic data recorded from ancient human remains from the Vanuatu archipelago. This approach bridges the gap between macroscopic and microscopic studies and between fieldwork and laboratory. While increasing the number of investigated individuals, I aim to provide new hypotheses on the settlement patterns of the Pacific islands.


2021: PhD Biological Anthropology, UMR 7194 Histoire Naturelle de l’Homme Préhistorique, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.

  • Thesis titled: “Human migrations in Oceania behind morphometric and non-metric human variability: a focus on the South-Melanesian region”

2018: MSc Quaternary, Prehistory and Biology, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle.

  • Thesis titled: “Human migrations in Oceania behind mandibular morphometric variability within past and present Asiatic and Oceanic population”

2015:  BSc Archaeological Science, Sorbonne Université Paris 1 

Interventions and Teachings


  • QP 40- Comparative Anatomy of ancient and modern Hominids - Master BEE, MNHN, Quaternary Course, Prehistory, Bioarcheology (24h) 
  • “Tronc Commun” - Introduction to Human Osteology - Master BEE, MNHN, Quaternary Course, Prehistory, Bioarcheology (12h) 
  • Pedagogical training on human evolution – Highschool Teachers of the Academy of Versailles (12h), DIREF MNHN 

Scientific Mediation


  • “RDV de la Science” - Ancient Diversity of Hominins - High School Classes of the Academy of Versailles (30h), DIREF MNHN 
  • Creation and guide of a visit "Ancient and modern human diversity: stories of otherness" in the permanent exhibition of the Musée de l'Homme (Paris) (13h), DIREF MNHN 



  • Co-organisation of the session « Migrations and Interaction Networks in Near and Remote Oceania : Multidisciplinary approaches » 9th Lapita Conference, Port Moresby (08/10/2019), New-Guinea



  • Zinger W., Valentin F., Bedford S., Spriggs M., Flexner J. Takaronga K., Detroit F., (in preparation) “Feeling at home”: Place of Polynesian newcomers in Vanuatu hosting communities during the last millennium. 
  • Zinger W., Detroit F., Valentin F., Bedford S., Spriggs M., Flexner J., Shing R., Grimaud-Hervé D. – Ancient and recent phenotypic variation in Oceania: 3 millennia of migrations in South Melanesia documented by linear morphometry - The UISPP journal. Vol. 2.2: 51-53. Union international des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques. See on ResearchGate


  • Zinger W., Valentin F., Flexner J., Bedford S., Détroit F., Grimaud-Hervé D., How to explain Polynesian Outliers’ heterogeneity? In: Hermann A., Valentin F., Sand C. and Nolet E. (Eds.), Networks and Monumentality in the Pacific, Proceedings of the XVIII UISPP World Congress: Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford.


  • Since 2018: Collectif, Archaeological Mission « Enclaves Polynésiennes au Vanuatu ». Annual report of the field mission of the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). (dir. F. Valentin)


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