
Diana Marcazzan

Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie
AG Geoarchӓologie
Hölderlinstraße 12
72074 Tübingen

Office: 519

E-mail: diana.marcazzanspam
Google Scholar

Research Interests

I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in fire use by hunter and gatherer groups and related activities. I approach this topic through the microcontextual analysis of the evidence that fire and human activities had left within the archaeological deposit. I employ the typical analytical techniques used in geoarchaeology, such as soil and sediment micromorphology, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (Micro XRF), organic petrology, and phytolith analysis. In the last few years, my work has focused on the diachronic analysis of the anthropogenic features from Middle and Upper Paleolithic deposits. Among other topics, I am also interested in site formation processes and human-environmental interaction.

Keywords: micromorphology, spectroscopy, human behaviour, fire use, site formation processes


2019-2022     PhD in Archaeological Science at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Nicholas J. Conard & Prof. Dr. Christopher E. Miller
Title: Fire and beyond: a geoarchaeological analysis of the anthropogenic features from Fumane Cave (NE Italy) and Hohle Fels (SW Germany)

2016-2018     M.A. in Quaternary, Prehistory and Archaeology at the University of Ferrara
Supervisors: Prof. Marco Peresani & Prof. Dr. Christopher E. Miller

2013-2016     B.A. in Cultural Heritage at the University of Verona
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Peresani

Selected Publications

  • Marcazzan D, Miller CE, Conard NJ. Burning, dumping and site-use during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic at Hohle Fels Cave, SW Germany. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 14, 178 (2022). 
  • Marcazzan D, Miller CE, Ligouis B, Duches R, Conard NJ, Peresani M (2023) Middle and Upper Paleolithic occupations of Fumane Cave (Italy): a geoarchaeological investigation of the anthropogenic features. J Anthropol Sci. 
  • Marcazzan D, Meinekat SA. Creating Qualitative Datasets in Geoarchaeology: An easy-applicable description template for archaeological thin section analysis using Stoops 2003. MethodsX, p. 101663. 


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