
Research Projects in Geoarchaeology

About Our Research

Members of the Geoarchaeology working group conduct field-based research across the globe, with particular emphasis on Europe, Africa and the Americas.  Our own research projects have been funded by the DFG, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, National Geographic and the Leakey Foundation. We also serve as collaboration partners on several projects funded by international agencies, such as the National Science Foundation (USA), The Research Council of Norway, Social Science and Humanities Research Council (Canada), the ERC and FAPESP (Brazil), among others.  We collaborate with many of the working groups in the INA and with other partners from the numerous archaeological institutes at the University of Tübingen. We actively participate on Tübingen-led excavations and offer geoarchaeological analyses to projects ranging from the Lower Paleolithic to late historical periods. We also actively collaborate with State Heritage Offices and local, private archaeological firms.

Our research largely focuses on investigating the formation processes of the archaeological record using a range of geoscientific techniques.

Our Research Projects

The Stone Age of Africa


Researchers in our group work in more than 10 individual archaeological sites that together allow us to explore how humans contributed to sediment accumulation in caves and rockshelters throughout the Middle and Later Stone Age. We also work in open air sites with projects focused on site formation processes.

Learn more about our projects in the Stone Age of Africa

Paleolithic Caves of the Swabian Jura


Since its inception, our Working Group has contributed to the study of caves, rockshelters and Pleistocene landscapes, mainly in the Ach and Lone valleys of the Swabian Jura.Learn more about our research in the Paleolithic Caves of the Swabian Jura

Early Settlement of the Andes


When did humans first utilize high altitude rockshelters in the Andes, and what was the relationship between these early explorers and contemporaneous coastal settlements? Our students and researchers are actively exploring this topic.Learn more about our projects on the Early Settlement of the Andes.


Many of our projects focus on how humans used fire in the past, as well as the methods that archaeologists use to identify and study the residues left behind in hearths and other types of combustion features.

Learn more about our projects on Pyroarchaeology

Associated Projects

 Description about geoarchaeology at the site Aşıklı Höyük ... Learn more
Aşıklı Höyük
Description about geoarchaeology in the REVIVE project ... Learn more
With the transition from a foraging to farming lifestyle and the beginning of animal domestication, dung becomes a valuable material that can be used as fertilizer, fuel, and construction material. While archaeological evidence for dung used as fuel and manure are increasing, its use for constructions has only been rarely identified, despite ethnographic accounts that the use of dung for construction is still common in many societies. Therefore, it is important to understand if its absence from the archaeological record is the result of human preference or a research/preservation bias. ... Learn more
MapDung (completed)

Completed Associated Projects


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