
Vibrant and colorful

There are only few cities that can combine the beauty of nature with the mystery of an old Medieval city like Tübingen does. This small town in southern Germany will offer you all kinds of enriching experiences. The nearby mountains, the river Neckar, the castle Hohentübingen, the old neighbourhoods, the market, and the list can easily be expanded to places you should visit in this magnificent city.
And it does not end here: Tübingen offers one of the best student experiences and with almost 30,000 students, Tübingen ranks as one of the cities in Germany with the youngest population!
Whether you are looking for an excellent education, an adventure in nature, exciting experiences, a calm morning, partying, a beautiful scenery or a friendly and creative society and all of that for low tuition fees for EU students and for students at our many partner institutes, Tübingen is the place for you.

We can't wait to welcome you in our colorful team!


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