Pressemeldung: Lush-Preis für CIN-Doktorandin Katja Reinhard
Die Doktorandin Katja Reinhard, Mitglied der von Thomas Münch geleiteten Nachwuchsgruppe Retinal Circuits and Optogenetics, wurde von der internationalen Kosmetikfirma Lush für ihre bahnbrechenden Forschungen zur menschlichen Netzhaut ausgezeichnet. Der mit 12.500 GBP dotierte Preis in der Kategorie Nachwuchsforscher wurde am 13. November in einer Zeremonie in London bekannt gegeben (Press release in English only).
Katja's research looks at the human retina, which has received little attention from scientists in comparison with the retinas of animals, to see how this part of the eye processes visual information. To do this she used corneas donated by patients who have either died or had to have an eye removed for medical reasons. It is hoped that the results of this scientific research will lead to a better understanding of the eye and contribute to better treatment strategies for blindness, which affects 285 million people worldwide. Katja also has a scholarship from the PRO RETINA foundation, a patients' group that supports medical and scientific research into blindness.
- Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
Reseach Group: Retinal Circuits and Optogenetics