Feil group - signal transduction, transgenic models
We study signal transduction in transgenic cell and mouse models by an approach that we call "in vivo biochemistry". We use state-of-the-art imaging technologies to "watch" biochemical processes in real time in living cells, tissues and mice. Specifically, we are interested in the role of the signaling molecule cGMP in health and disease, with a current focus on cell growth and plasticity. The projects involve analyses at the whole organism, cellular and molecular level.
Do you want to perform an internship or your Bachelor/Master thesis in our lab? Please contact Robert Feil (mail).
Timo Kopp (left) and Timo Hinnenthal (right) with their posters and certificates for a Best Poster Prize awarded at the International Symposium in Herrsching am Ammersee (17.-19.9.24). Congratulations!
Daniel Stehle (middle) receives the "Machleidt Biochemistry Innovation Prize 2024" from Johannes Klumpp (left) and Dr. Sieglinde Göhring-Machleidt. Congratulations!
Dr. Timo Kopp (middle) with his family and examiners after his doctoral defense on Dec 5, 2024 - Congratulations!
Again, congratulations to Timo Kopp for defending his doctoral thesis on Dec 5, 2024. Good job, Dr. Kopp!
Timo Kopp received start-up funding for postdoctoral research in the GRK 2381. He will start his postdoc in January 2025. Congratulations, Timo!
Congratulations to Daniel Stehle! On October 18, 2024, Daniel received the "Hans Machleidt Biochemistry Innovation Prize“, which is endowed with €15,000. Daniel completed his doctoral studies with us and was also a member of the Tübingen-based GRK 2381. He is currently a postdoc at the University of California in San Diego. Daniel received the prize for his innovative approaches to elucidating the spatial location of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in the interaction of tumor and immune cells. For impressions from the award ceremony, see here.
We had a great Retreat in Herrsching am Ammersee (17.-19.9.2024). The event was combined with the first International Symposium “The Different Facets of Guanine Nucleotide Signaling”, which was jointly organized by GRK 2816 and GRK 2381. In addition to excellent presentations and poster sessions, there was also plenty of time for activities and discussions between junior and senior researchers. We are delighted that two of our doctoral students, both also members of GRK 2381, won a Poster Prize. Congratulations to Timo Kopp and Timo Hinnenthal, also known as “Timo and Timo” or “T'n'T”. For impressions from the meeting in Herrsching, see here.
End of June 2024, members of the Feil Lab and GRK 2381 presented their work at the 11th International Conference on cGMP in Lübeck, Germany. It was a great meeting and success for our junior researchers. We are particularly happy and honoured that Timo Kopp won the Best Poster Prize for his PhD project "Mechanosensitive cGMP signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells". Congratulations, Timo! For impressions from Lübeck, see here.
At the end of 2023 / beginning of 2024, five members of our lab completed their "Dr. rer. nat.". Congratulations to Mariagiovanna Barresi, Stefanie Peters, Krithika Rajeeth, Alexandra Böttcher and Malte Roeßing on their successful doctoral defenses. Most of these junior scientists were also members of the DFG Research Training Group GRK 2381. All the best for your future!
We are happy and proud that one of us, Daniel Stehle, has received the PhD Award 2023 from the University of Tübingen. The prize was awarded by Rector Professor Dr. Karla Pollmann and Dean Professor Dr. Thilo Stehle on July 15, 2023 during the central doctoral graduation ceremony. Congratulations to Daniel! We wish him all the best for his postdoc in La Jolla (see pictures of his farewell party here).
Daniel Stehle received start-up funding for postdoctoral research and joined the GRK 2381 as an associated postdoc. Congratulations, Daniel!
In summer 2022, three of our doctoral researchers graduated, Michael Krämer, Daniel Stehle, and Moritz Lehners. We wish you all the best for your future in lab and life!