Korean Studies


For new students of Korean Studies (Bachelor)

1. General questions about the program and application

Who can apply for Korean Studies in Tübingen? Is there an N.C.?

For the bachelor's degree in Korean Studies, there will be limited admittance to the bachelor's degree major and minor beginning in the 2019/20 winter semester. There is no NC.

How and where can I apply for the program?

The application takes place via the online application portal of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. More information can be found here.
Foreign applicants who did not acquire their study qualifications at a German-speaking institution must provide evidence of German language skills that enable them to study at a university ("Linguistic Ability to Study"). Proof of linguistic ability to study must be provided by the respective application deadline and attached to the online application. The online application will be rejected if proof of language proficiency is not received in due time.

When do I have to apply?

The application for the winter semester takes place until July 15th.

I am an international student. What requirements do I have to consider?

International students who have not graduated a german school must prove that their degree is comparable to the German Abitur. In addition, they must have sufficient knowledge of the German language.
More information for international students is available here.

I applied for the BA Korean Studies and was unfortunately rejected. Is there a replacement procedure?

Yes, there is a replacement procedure for which you can apply. More information can be found here.

When does the program start?

The Korean studies program begins in the winter semester. The lecture period starts at the beginning of october this year. You can find the exact times in your admission information. In addition, the most important information is published on the Korean Studies website. Please take a look at the News and Program pages in particular!
There are also two important events for first-year students:

  • The preparatory course in which you learn to read and write Korean. This takes place BEFORE the beginning of the lecture period from October 7th to 11th, 2024. The preparatory course is only compulsory for students of the Korean Studies Major. More information below.
  • The orientation event, which will take place in Room 30, in the Korean Studies Departmnet, on October 15th, 2024

I would like to start studying in the summer semester. Is that also possible?

No. The Korean studies program only begins in the winter semester.

I have further questions about Korean Studies that are not answered here. Whom can I contact?

If you have general questions about application, admission and enrollment, please contact the Student Administration Office.
If you have specific questions about studying Korean Studies, please contact our bachelor's coordinator Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee
If you have any questions about Korean language education, see the next section. If this does not answer your questions, please contact Dr. Euna Kim.
See also the Student Advisory Service page.

I would like to know what you can learn in Korean Studies? What is the content of the program?

In addition to intensive language education in the Bachelor's program, you will acquire knowledge primarily with a focus on the history, society and culture of modern Korea. It is best to read the description of the program carefully.
A detailed study plan / module plan can be found in the study and examination regulations and in the module handbook on the Korean Studies website.
If you have any further questions, please contact the bachelor's coordinator Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee.

2. Information about Korean Language Education

I have no prior knowledge of the Korean language. Can I still study Korean Studies?

Admission to the bachelor's program does not require any Korean language skills.
However, if you are majoring in Korean studies, you must take part in a preparatory course. This is a one-week intensive course (see above under "When does the program start?") that takes place one week BEFORE the start of the lecture period (October 14th, 2024). In this week you will learn the Korean alphabet Han’gŭl (Hangeul).

Unfortunately, I cannot take part in the preparatory course, but I cannot speak the Korean alphabet either. What happens now?

If you cannot take part in the preparatory course for important reasons, you should contact the language lecturers. You then have to acquire the knowledge yourself, i.e. independently, but the lecturers will certainly be able to give you a few tips and advice.
The language courses require that all students can read and write at the level of the preparatory course. There will be no consideration later if you cannot.

I already have a bit of previous knowledge and know the Korean alphabet. Do I still have to take part in the preparatory course?

Anyone who learned the Han’gŭl alphabet and can read the Korean words will take a short Han’gŭl exam. The lecturers will determine what level you are at. If you have sufficient knowledge of the writing system, you do not have to take part in the preparatory course.
The Han’gŭl exam will take place online on October 2nd, 2024 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Zoom and only lasts about 5 minutes. You can book a slot for the test via this link.

Do I have to register for the Propaedeutic Course?

Yes, if you have no previous knowledge of Han’gŭl, register for one of the two preparatory courses via alma by October 1st, 2024. If you plan to take the exam on October 2nd, you do not have to register.

I already have considerable prior knowledge of the Korean language. Can I have this recognized or do I still have to attend the language courses?

In any case, please contact the language lecturer Euna Kim by October 4th, 2024, regardless of whether you are studying Korean Studies as a major or minor, so that you can be evaluated.
If you have taught yourself Korean language skills, you will definitely have to take a placement test. Depending on the result, you can be waived the compulsory attendance for the language course corresponding to your language level. Since only the attendance is waived, you have to take the mid-tern and final exams to mark the course.
If you have completed courses in a language school or other institution before starting your studies, these can be recognized. The teaching hours and grades must be certified. 150 teaching hours correspond approximately to one semester. If the certificates are not informative enough, you will also have to take a placement test so that your level of proficiency can be better assessed.
The placement test examines grammar, reading and listening comprehension, speaking, and essay writing. The test takes about three and a half hours. It will take place on October 11th 2024 from 10am to 2pm in room 42 at the department of Koreanistik (Wilhelmstrasse 133). If you intend to take the placement test, please contact Dr. Euna Kim beforehand!

What does the language course look like in the first semester and what do I have to prove?

As a major student, you have to attend two language courses of 10 hours per week. The courses are:

  • Basic Korean I (vocabulary and grammar, reading comprehension, and essay writing: 6 hours per week)
  • Korean Active I (listening comprehension and speaking: 4 hours per week)

As a minor student, you have to attend two language courses of 6 hours per week. The courses are:

  • Basic Korean I (vocabulary and grammar, reading comprehension, and essay writing: 3 hours per week)
  • Korean Active I (Listening Comprehension and Speaking: 3 hours per week)

You can also find this information in the module handbook and in the study and examination regulations.

How do I register for the courses?

The course catalog is published on the alma-Portal. As soon as you are enrolled and have received your registration data, you can register there and then take the courses that you need.
You should have registered for your language courses on alma by the beginning of the semester (and also the content-related courses, see below). There are only two parallel courses with the same content for major students (Basis I A, Basis I B). When registering for the courses, you can also choose the courses that are more favorable to your schedule.

Please note the following:
The two parallel courses for Basis and Active are equal in terms of content. It is therefore possible to mix the groups. E.g. it is possible to combine Basis A with Active B (and the other way around).

I registered for the courses on alma, but I did not get into any of the courses. What do I do now?

Contact the lecturer whose course you would like to attend and describe your problem. A place in one of the courses will be found for you. You need to proactively address it, and do it as soon as possible.

3. Regarding the course content and the year abroad

Which courses, apart from the language courses, do I have to take in the first semester?

In the first semester, the module “Grundlagen Koreanistik” must be completed, which consists of the introductory seminar “Einführung Vormodernes Korea” with 2 hours per week and the lecture “Einführung in die Koreanistik” with 2 hours per week.

There are several parallel seminars with the same content for the PS “Einführung Vormodernes Korea”, which are held by different lecturers. Of course, you only choose one of these courses. There is also the tutorial for Scientific Working. In this tutorial, student tutors will teach you all the basic skills you need to know about transcribing (transliteration, which is used to write Korean words with Latin characters), quoting, giving presentations, writing term papers, etc. in the first semester, which you will need in the further course of your studies.

In normal teaching, it is assumed that you will acquire this knowledge on your own. The tutorial therefore provides valuable assistance. All freshmen in Korean studies should therefore attend this tutorial.

What happens if I fail or do not participate in “Einführung in die Koreanistik” or “Einführung Vormodernes Korea”?

If you do not take the courses or do not provide the performance assessments, meaning you do not receive a certificate for at least one of the two courses, then you have failed the module "Grundlagen Koreanistik".

This means that you cannot take any further content-related courses in the following semester. In other words, the seminars History I, Culture, Society, etc. all require that you have successfully completed the basic module beforehand.

I study Korean Studies as my minor or a focus on Korea for my major and because that I would like to take the content-related courses one year later. Is this possible?

This is possible. However, it should also be noted here that the module “Grundlagen der Koreanistik” must first be passed before further content-related courses can be taken. For example, you cannot take “Geschichte Koreas I” in the next semester without having passed the “Einführung in die Koreanistik” and “Einführung Vormodernes Korea”.

I am a student at the business school with a focus on Korea. Which courses do I have to attend?

The economics department publishes a separate module handbook / curriculum for “non-subject-specific courses” every year. The courses that you can and should take in Korean Studies are also listed there.

Can every undergraduate Korean studies student study in Korea for one year?

For students in the studying Korean Studies as a major, the year abroad must be completed in the 4th and 5th semester. The year abroad is an integral part of the curriculum. All majors are therefore guaranteed a spot in Korea.

Conversely, no courses for the 4th and 5th semester in Korean Studies are offered in Tübingen for major students. Those who cannot go to South Korea for a year should therefore not make Korean Studies their major.

Everyone else should read through the next question.

I am studying Korean studies as a minor or have a different major or have no relation to Korean studies at all. Can I still study in Korea for a semester or a year?

In principle, this is possible, but the available study places in Korea are initially allocated to the major students due to the guarantee of a study place. If there are still places available afterwards, non-major students can also apply for these.

If you are interested, please contact the bachelor's coordinator Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee.

During the year abroad, can I choose which Korean university I want to study at?

Korean Studies Tübingen has a number of Korean partner universities, currently ten in number. You can find the list under the TUCKU / Partner Universities tab. This means that you can choose your favorites from these universities. In the end, however, the department decides which university you will study at.

Each university has a certain number of places reserved for our students. That alone, of course, limits the freedom of choice.

You should therefore state your preferred universities in your application. However, there is no guarantee that you will then also study at this university. Korean studies take into account a number of factors when making the assignment. Of course, the wishes of the students play an important role. However, it is also taken into account and weighed up what the student's curriculum looks like, which language courses are best suited, but also what the academic achievements are, in order to select the right university for each student.

However, you will receive information about the year abroad within an appropriate time frame. Apart from the information on the website, there will be two information events on the year abroad. The most important information is also summarized in the information brochure for the year abroad under TUCKU / Info brochure. In addition, your sónbae, i.e. your fellow students from the higher semesters as well as the master’s students, are happy to provide advice and assistance.

Where can I find more information about the year abroad?

On the Korean Studies website under the TUCKU tab, more detailed information on the procedure, student reports and a brochure on the year abroad can be downloaded.

TUCKU stands for Tübingen Center for Korean Studies at Korea University and is a branch of the University of Tübingen in Korea.

Where can I find the study and examination regulations and the module handbook or study plans?

You can find all information under the tab Studies / Study and Examination Regulations.