University Library

Text book collection

The text book collection is shelved in the "Ausleihzentrum", behind the revolving door, opposite the issue desk.

The collection consists of multiple issues of frequently used text books and introductory or basic literature. It is open for use to all library card owners but its main purpose is to serve the students of the University.


There are about 80 000 books shelved in the text book collection in the main library in Wilhelmstrasse. These are titles from the humanities, arts, social and earth sciences and medicine.

In the branch library for natural sciences you will find text books for mathematics, chemistry, pharmacy, biology, biochemistry, computer science, physics and astronomy as well as for general natural sciences.

How to find the book you need

How to borrow book from the text book collection

Um ein gewünschtes Buch auszuleihen

Please note:

Regulations concerning the loan period, reminders etc. are the same as for the rest of the library's collection.

Possession of a library card is necessary for borrowing from the text book collection!