Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Equality Commission

§ 4 Equal Opportunities for Women and Men; Equal Opportunities Officer

Law on Higher Education in Baden-Württemberg (Landeshochschulgesetz-LHG) of January 1st, 2005

§ 4 Equal Opportunities for Women and Men; Equal Opportunities Officer
(1) In carrying out all of their responsibilities, universities shall promote the effective implementation of equal opportunities for women and men and work to eliminate existing disadvantages. They actively support the increase of the proportion of women in all subjects and at all levels where women are underrepresented and they ensure better compatibility between family and scientific, artistic and medical activities. Gender-specific impacts must be taken into consideration in all tasks and decisions.

Goals and tasks of the Equal Opportunities Commission

In cooperation with the Equal Opportunities Commission, the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences fulfills the legal mandate set out in the state higher education act (LHG) to enforce equal opportunities for women and men. The Equal Opportunities Officer and the members of the Equal Opportunities Commission are also responsible for promoting diversity and serve as contact persons in the event of sexual harassment and discrimination.


Athene-Mentoring starts a new round!

The Athene Mentoring Program to support women* (referring to all individuals who identify as female, including inter*, trans*, and non-binary people) will start a new round in the winter semester 2024/25. Starting on February 3, 2025, the matchings will be announced via email.

For more information about the program, please see below under the tab "Athene Mentoring Program."

Emergency applications

Due to the current situation, the Gender Equality Commission is once again accepting "emergency applications" for funding student assistants to support early-career researchers with caregiving responsibilities (funding amount: 600 euros). You may submit such an application if you have experienced significant additional challenges in caregiving caused by closures or similar emergencies. In this case, an informal application with a brief description of your situation sent via  mail will be sufficient as an exception. For academic support services, the chairholder must submit the application for assistance by a student assistant.

Support for funding childcare costs

As a family-friendly university, the University of Tübingen offers support to employees and scholarship holders for funding childcare costs incurred in connection with academic or official activities. To this end, the university's rectorate has adopted a "Guideline for Funding Childcare Costs" and tasked the Family Office with its implementation.
Eligible childcare costs may include, for example, extended hours or emergency care, or costs incurred in connection with a conference, research trip, or business travel. Applications are submitted exclusively through the Team Equity of the Universitiy of Tübingen. Details on the application process can be found here.

Contact persons of the institutes

Contact email: gleichstellungspam prevention@wiso.uni-tuebingen.de


Members of the commission

Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen (Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty) contact
AR Dr. Karin Bürkert (Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer) contact

InstituteContact personEmail
Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and PsychologyNina Udvardi-Lakoscontact
Methods CenterDr. Daniel Leyhrcontact
Institute of EducationDipl.-Päd. Anja Noldcontact
Institute of Political ScienceCharlotte Kehnecontact
Grace Atuhairecontact
Cecilia Bruzeliuscontact
Institute für SociologyJanna Wilhelmcontact
Institute of Sports ScienceSandra Dreher-Mansurcontact
Institute of Historical and Cultural AnthropologyDr. Karin Bürkertcontact
EconomicsProf. Dr. Martin Biewencontact   
Supporting Science ServicesKarolin Mattescontact


Support programs

The work of the Equal Opportunities Commission focuses on the promotion of young female academics and the promotion of gender research. The specific situation of women in the economic and social sciences is therefore given special consideration.

The support programs financed by the faculty serve this purpose.

Interested students, doctoral candidates and lecturers (mid-level staff) of the Faculty have the opportunity to submit applications to the Equal Opportunities Commission for partial funding of research projects, conference participation, etc. (“Funding from the Equal Opportunities Commission”).

As part of the TEAching-Equality program, which is financed from quality assurance funds, the individual institutes of the faculty or the Department of Economics are also able to apply for funding for teaching assignments on gender studies as well as gender-related practical or specialist lectures (“TEAching-Equality program”).

The WiSo Equal Opportunities Commission has earmarked TEA funds annually for the implementation of the workshop “Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management - Professional Qualification Competence Fields”, which has been included as an interdisciplinary offer in the range of courses for interdisciplinary qualifications.

Visiting professorships for gender researchers must still be applied for via the central Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Tübingen.

Further Information

Athene Mentoring Program

Athene Mentoring for female students and scientists is a cross-faculty mentoring program at the University of Tübingen to promote young female scientists.

What is the goal of the Athene Mentoring Program?

The aim of the program is to encourage women* to take the steps to the next qualification level on the way to a career in science (Master's degree, doctorate, habilitation) or outside of science and thus counteract the loss of young female talent in the course of the scientific qualification levels. Mentoring is aimed at all people who self-identify as female (including trans*, inter* and non-binary people). It is coordinated and financed by the University's Equal Opportunities Office and adapted to our own internal faculty needs by the WiSo Equal Opportunities Commission.

How does mentoring work?

Students and academics are mentored by women* from the next higher qualification level according to the cascade principle. Every academic group is taken into account, from Bachelor students to professors. The program is designed in such a way that the participants are usually both mentor and mentee. However, it is also possible to register only as a mentee or mentor. Mentoring can take place in tandems or in groups as required. The program is accompanied by workshops, networking meetings and training programs. Mentors and mentees can decide for themselves how much time they can devote to mentoring.

Further information on the Athene Mentoring Program can be found in the information sheet and on the mentoring website.

If you have any questions, please contact gleichstellung-mentoringspam prevention@wiso.uni-tuebingen.de. We are happy to answer your questions or provide further information at any time.

Documents for Mentoring:

Other mentoring programs at the University of Tübingen:

Mentoring offer for doctoral candidates: the MAP supports First Generation Academics in their academic career, provides information about doctoral opportunities, funding models and connects doctoral candidates and students.

Offers of support and help

The University of Tübingen also supports various programs and advisory services to promote gender equality at the university.

For more information, please visit the homepage of the Gender Equality Officer of the University of Tübingen.