Institute of Media Studies

Dr. Helena Atteneder

Helena Atteneder is “akademische Rätin a. Z.” and postdoctoral researcher at the chair of “Digitalisation and Social Responsibility”

Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstraße 50
72074 Tübingen
Raum 130

 +49 7071 29-77312

Consultation hour

  • By appointment and online only.
  • Please send me an outline of your concerns in advance.


Helena Atteneder's research focuses on theories of space/place, media and power, as well as critical-dialectical perspectives on geomedia and media technologies. With regard to the phenomena of algorithmisation and datafication, and in particular ubiquitous geodata collection, her research focuses on the related phenomena that promote both autonomy and surveillance, as well as aspects of data protection and privacy ("geoprivacy").

She is also concerned with research into inequality and stereotypes from a media and communication science perspective.

Helena Atteneder is a founding member and spokesperson of the GfM working group Mediengeographien and spokesperson of the DGPuK expert group „Medien, Öffentlichkeit und Geschlecht“.

Project: Media and mobility in the digital city

The third-party-funded research project (PI Helena Atteneder) investigates the media and mobility practices of commuters who regularly use public transport. The focus is on "smart" or "post-digital" mobility concepts that are based on the extensive collection and algorithmic processing of data and promise a more sustainable, efficient organisation of mobility services.

The convergence of media and urban mobility infrastructure and the reorganisation of different spaces/places, technological components, social aspects and media in their respective different accentuations will be investigated.

The project is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation as part of the Elite Programme for Postdoctoral Researchers.

Further information: Media and mobility in the digital city

Selected publications

  • Atteneder, Helena/Rodriguez-Amat, Joan Ramon (2024). Ideologies in Geospatial Futurism: A Computational and Critical Discourse Inquiry Into the Arcgis and ESRI-Blogs. Media and Communication, 12, 1–19.
  • Thiele, Martina/Atteneder, Helena/Thürmann, Sascha (2023): (H)ausgeträumt? Eine Kritische Diskursanalyse der Eigenheimdebatte im Superwahljahr 2021. In: Güney, Selma/Hille, Lina/Pfeiffer, Juliane/Porak, Laura/Theine, Hendrik (Hrsg.): Eigentum, Medien, Öffentlichkeit. Frankfurt am Main: Westend, 357-381.
  • Atteneder, Helena/Gryl, Inga/Jekel, Thomas: Towards Spatial Reflexivity (2022): Knowledge and Perspectives on (the Teaching of) Competences to use Geomedia Maturely. In: GI_Forum - Journal for Geographic Information Science 2022 (1). 120-134. DOI: 10.1553/giscience2022_01_s120.
  • Atteneder, Helena (2022): Geomediatisation.A dialectical approach to close social relationship dependence, normalisation and adaptation. In: Kopecka-Piech, Katarzyna/Sobiech, Mateusz (Hrsg.): Mediatisation of Emotional Life. Abingdon: Routledge, 56-71.
  • Atteneder, Helena (2022): Machtasymmetrien in geomediatisierten Welten. Geomedien als Konzept zur Neubewertung der Dialektik von Raum/Ort und Medien. Wiesbaden: Springer
  • Abend, Pablo/Atteneder, Helena (2021): Geomediatisierung. In: Bork-Hoffer, Tabea/Füller, Henning/Straube, Till (Hrsg.): Handbuch Digitale Geographien: Welt – Wissen – Werkzeuge. Stuttgart: utb, 50-63.
  • Atteneder, Helena/Collini-Nocker, Bernhard (2020): Under control: Audio/Video Conferencing Systems Feed “Surveillance Capitalism“ with Students’ Data. In: Proceedings of the 13th CMI Conference on Cybersecurity and Privacy (CMI) - Digital Transformation - Potentials and Challenges, 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/CMI51275.2020.9322736
  • Atteneder, Helena/Herdin, Thomas (2020): The role of geomedia in building intercultural competence - A qualitative case study within the context of a student exchange program between Austria, Germany and China. In: KOME − An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry 8 (2), 1–22. DOI: 10.17646/KOME.75672.54.
  • Atteneder, Helena/Collini-Nocker, Bernhard/Jekel, Thomas (2019): „…ich habe ja nichts zu verbergen!“ Zwischen ubiquitärer Geodatenerfassung als Geschäftsmodell und individuell-kontextuellem Geoprivacymanagement. In: GW-Unterricht 154 (2), 21–34. DOI: 10.1553/gw-unterricht154s21.
  • Thiele, Martina/Atteneder, Helena (2019): Zu jung, um alt zu sein? „Best Ager“ in Journalismus und Werbung. In: Dimitriou, Minas (Hrsg.): Der Körper in der Postmoderne – zwischen Entkörperlichung und Körperwahn. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 169–183.
  • Steinmaurer, Thomas/Atteneder, Helena (2019): Permanent Connectivity: From Modes of Restrictions to Strategies of Resistance. In: Eberwein, Tobias/Karmasin, Matthias/Krotz, Friedrich/Rath, Matthias (Hrsg.): Responsibility and Resistance: Ethics in Mediatized Worlds. Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 107–117.
  • Atteneder, Helena/Collini-Nocker, Bernhard (2018): Geomedia and privacy in context. Paradoxical behaviour or the unwitting sharing of geodata with digital platforms? In: Mediatization Studies 2, 17–48. DOI: 10.17951/ms.2018.1.2.17-48. 
  • Atteneder, Helena (2018): Geomedia. Manifestations of Power as Mediatized Communication Practices – A Foucauldian Approach. In: GI_Forum - Journal for Geographic Information Science 2018 (2), 103–118. DOI: 10.1553/giscience2018_02_s103.
  • Atteneder, Helena (2017): Mediale Konstruktionen von Alter und Generation. Erkenntnisse einer transdisziplinären Stereotypenforschung. München, kopaed.
  • Atteneder, Helena/Peil, Corinna/Maier-Rabler, Ursula/Steinmaurer, Thomas (2017): Digitale Resilienz und soziale Verantwortung. Überlegungen zur Entwicklung eines Konzepts. In: Medien Journal 41 (1), 48–55. DOI: 10.24989/medienjournal.v41i1.349.

Complete list of publications as of June 2024

Curriculum Vitae

Helena Atteneder studied communication science at the University of Salzburg and completed her master's thesis on the subject of age/generation/stereotypes. The thesis was honoured with the GAM Young Talent Award and published by kopaed Verlag.

She then worked at the Interfaculty Department of Geoinformatics (Z_GIS) at the University of Salzburg from 2013 to 2015 and subsequently held a doctoral position at the Department of Communication Science (Centre for ICT&S), where she completed her PhD with the thesis: "Geomedia (re)thinking the dialectics of space/place and media. Changing power relations in geomediatised worlds.". Her work contributes to the linking of social geography and communication theory in relation to information and communication technologies and helps to establish geomedia studies in German-speaking countries. For her research projects, Helena Atteneder was a visiting researcher at Fudan University in Shanghai and Beijing Foreign Studies University in April 2017 and for a 6-week research stay in Karlstad (Sweden) at the Department of Geography, Media and Communication in April/May 2019. There she was able to network and exchange ideas with the "Geomedia Research Group" in particular.

Most recently, she worked as a lecturer at the Department of Communication Science in Salzburg and was also researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen. The BMBF-funded project "DiGeo - Generalisability and transferability of digital teaching concepts using the example of responsible digital geomedia use in teacher training" aims to develop and conduct application-related research into a digital teaching concept for building skills in the responsible use of digital geomedia. At the Duisburg-Essen site, Helena Atteneder was until recently responsible for the sub-project on reflection/reflexivity as part of a reflective-critical approach to geomedia.


I supervise theses in these thematic areas:

  • Communication and media theories: critical theory, critical media and data economics, philosophy of technology, spatial theories, theories of power, geomedia / geomedia studies,
  • Media culture and media change: mediatisation theories (especially critical-dialectical approaches), media convergence, datafication, algorithmisation, social constructivist approaches (especially SCOT), actor-network theory, science-technology and society studies, non-media-centric approaches to communication and media research, digitalisation and networking paradigms, inter- and transcultural communication / inter- and transcultural competence
  • Media, politics and society: theories of action, media and social action, spatial citizenship, surveillance studies, platform and surveillance capitalism, data colonialism, discrimination and inequality in/through media (technologies), media and stereotypes, surveillance, data protection, privacy
  • Media genres: Press, mobile-networked digital devices, geomedia technologies,
  • Methods of media and communication research: qualitative methods (qualitative survey methods, digital ethnography, grounded theory, situational analysis, content analysis, discourse analysis)

If you are interested, please contact me with an exposé for a consultation session.

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