University Library

Information for new employees

Welcome to the University Library!

We have put the important information and offers for you together on this page.


Library card

Your university employee card also functions as your library card. However, you need to activate your library account with an initial login. You can either select “My account” on our homepage and sign in using your university login (abc...) or log into one of the Windows PCs in the library.

Institute library card

Lecturers and employees of the university can apply for an insitute library card. Personal institute library cards are transferable, which means, in addition to the responsible person, other persons (such as research assistants) can use the library card. In terms of loan periods and overdue fines, institutional accounts are no different than private accounts for university employees.

The responsibility for the media borrowed via the personal institute library card lies with the lecturer or staff member in whose name the card has been issued. This person is obligated to pay any overdue findes incurred in the event of late return and to make restitution in the event of damage or loss.

Further information about the Institute library card.

Catalog plus

You can discover most of the library’s media under Books & more in the Catalog plus. If you find an item in Catalog plus which you would like to borrow, please click on Holdings Infos to see the item's call number and location and to check its availability.

Most online articles and essays can be found by switching to the Articles & more tab.

There are also some special collections.


Within the entire campus network (university works space, WLAN) you can access the licensed stock without restrictions.

For external access, it is necessary to connect through VPN. Information on how to set up a VPN connection to the university network can be found on the ZDV pages. Setting up VPN access is best done directly using the operating system's resources. If access through VPN is not possible, many publishers now offer access via Shibboleth. On the publisher's pages, logging in via Shibboleth is often clearly marked with notes such as "Log in via Shibboleth" or "Institutional Login".

If you have problems setting up the VPN-Connection, please contact the support of the des ZDV: supportspam

You can search our digital holdings via our catalog and other reference systems (Electronic Journals Library EZB, Database Information System DBIS). If you search in the catalog plus, then narrow the search by selecting Type of Media "Online Resource".

Campus Morgenstelle

The library branches auf der Morgenstelle provide literature for the natural sciences.

Campus Morgenstelle has the following libraries:

Book locations in Wilhelmstr.

A short overview of media locations in the University Library:

  • Open stacks: in the Ammerbau. Books are shelved in numerical order according to the book’s shelf mark (call number). Items in this area can be taken from the shelves and checked out using the self-checkout stations next to Desk (Ausleihzentrum).
  • Closed stacks: items marked in the library catalogue with the location “stacks” must be ordered, as they are stored in a closed off area. The items you order can be picked up the next day from self-service collection shelves in the area adjacent to the Lending Center Desk and checked out. Some items may have lending restrictions and may only be used within the Ammerbau or the Manuscript Reading Room (Handschriftenlesesaal).
  • Textbook collection (Lehrbuchsammlung):
    You can find important textbooks from each field of study at the university in the area adjacent to and in the gallery above the Lending Center Desk. They are shelved according to their subject area and call number and can be taken home.
  • Non-circulating collections: in the Ammerbau on floor 3. Important reference books, specialized bibliographies and text books which are shelved according to subject area. You can only work with these items inside the library.
  • Manuscript Reading Room (Handschriftenlesessaal in the Bonatzbau):
    These items cannot be borrowed. Copying is usually permitted.



Borrowing and Returning

You can check out books yourself using our self-checkout stations in the Lending Center (Ausleihzentrum).  Just follow the steps on the screen. You just need your library card. For returning the items, you take them to the return station (Rückgabe) in the Lending Center. You don't need your library card for this. Just follow the steps on the screen. You can also drop off media in the return box near the main entrance.

If you have an further questions ask a staff member in the Lending Center.

Loan period and fines

You can borrow books for 28 days. Using your online library account, you can extend the lending period: Log in at "My account“ with your university login ID (e.g.: abc...) and then select → ”Display or renew checked out item
You may renew your items as often as you like. However, the maximum lending period is 4 x 28 (112) days for students and external users and 12 x 28 days for university employees (calculated from the date of loan) .
If another user has reserved your book you will not be able to renew it.

Access your library account to:

  • check the due date of your items
  • see any reservations placed by other users
  • renew your items

If you fail to return a book on or before the due date you have to pay a fine which can be paid in person at the Issue Desk in the main building or via bank transfer.


As employees of the University of Tübingen you can use the PC workstations marked green and red within the library after logging on using your university login.
If you bring your own laptop you can connect to the Internet on campus through Eduroam, the university’s wireless network, using your university login ID (e.g.
If you want to connect to the university network from home, you first have to set up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection.

Copying, scanning and printing

There are many self-service, multifunctional printers/scanner/photocopiers available throughout the library. In the main building, in Ammerbau and in Waschhalle there are colour- and black/white multifuntional stations.

When you send files for printing you can pick up and pay for your print-outs using your charged student card, which can be used to pay for scans or photocopies too.
You will need to install a printer driver if you want to print from your own laptop.
Book scanners can be found on the 3rd floor of the Ammerbau. Instructions are next to the scanner.

Any questions about printing, scanning and copying should be adressed to the company in charge:

 Office: Ammerbau, Room 326
     Office hours: Mon - Fri 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
 Ph: +49 (0)7071 29 74625,
    Mon - Fri from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m


Guided Tour

We  offer Guided Tours in English. However, you can also make a personal appointment. Alternatively, you can have a look through our virtual guide tour or a short video walk through our university library. Unfortunately, both are in german.

Self Study Portal

The university library offers a varierty of online courses, which might be helpful during your studies. Have a look through our self-study modules such as How to Cite Properly, How to Find Literature in Catalogues, Databases and Academic Search Engines and Regular Expressions.

Digital services for lecturers

The university library also offers other digital services that are of particular interest to lecturers and researchers:

  • OER: Open Educational Resources: here you  can find freely availabe and reusable teaching materials. We are happy to support you, if you want to publishing your own teaching materials on this platform.
  • E-Learning (ILIAS): Contact us, if want to learn more about and take advantage of the benefits of E-learning.
  • Bilddatenbank der Universität: Manage your digital image material with the web-based software easydb and make it available to your students within the lecture hall and in e-learning.
  • Semesterapparatus: Would you like to place books in a semester apparatus? You can choose between a semester apparatus in your institute library, the reading room of the Ammerbau or an electronic semester apparatus.
  • University Repository: Here you can find online publications of the University of Tübingen, dissertations, audio recordings and Tübingen Open Journals.  All publications are published Open Access.
  • Open Access (OA): means free access to scientific publications on the internet. University libary Tübingen explicitly supports the basic idea of OA that research funded with public money should be accessible free of charge. Contact us if you would like to publish OA or have questions about media that are available to OA.

Specialised Consulting

You have question regarding the university library stock, databases or special subject? Please contact the subject specialists of the university library.

Legal advice, e.g. on the correct use of image material or on reproduction rights, is available from our Copyright Office.

Do you have questions regarding archiving documents and files? Or do you research on the history of the university? Please contact our University Archive.

Are you planing an event or an exhibition? Please feel free to contact our Public relations team of the University Library.

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