
Television Documentaries - Educational Programs

Television Documentaries - Educational Programs

'Neanderthals used their hands like tailors and painters' Science Magazine (2018)

‘Human’, Clearwater Documentary (2014)

‘First Peoples’ PBS/ARTE Documentary (2015)

‘HOMO – Expanding Worlds’ Exhibit, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (2015)

BBC/BBC World Documentary ‘The incredible human journey’ (2009)

WGBH NOVA "Human Origins" Television Series (2009)

National Geographic Documentary ‘Neanderthal Code’ (2008)

The History Channel Documentary ‘Clash of the Cavemen’ (2008)

‘Physical Anthropology: The Evolving Human’ Coast Learning System Telecourse (2008, winner of 2008 Los Angeles Area Emmy Award for Instructional Programming)

Exploratorium Virtual Museum ‘Evidence: How we know what we know. A case study in Human Origins’ (2008)

The History Channel ‘Digging for the Truth: Neanderthals!’ (2007)



Excavation led by Prof. Dr. Katerina Harvati discovers new stone tools from the Lower Paleolithic period.

Deep in an open coal mine in southern Greece, researchers have discovered the antiquities-rich country’s oldest archaeological site, which dates to 700,000 years ago and is associated with modern humans’ hominin ancestors. The find would drag the dawn of Greek archaeology back by as much as a quarter of a million years. The Greek site was one of five investigated in the Megalopolis area during a five-year project involving an international team of experts. The project was directed by Panagiotis Karkanas of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Eleni Panagopoulou from the Greek Culture Ministry and Prof. Dr. Katerina Harvati (University of Tübingen).

The article is freely accessible under:


Prof. Dr. Katerina Harvati was recently interviewed by the BBC World program 'The Forum' about Neanderthals and her expertise about Neanderthals evolution and the benefit of new technology in the research of Paleoanthropology.

You can listen to the full interview on the following link:



Prof. Katerina Harvati was recently interviewed by the newspaper Schwäbisches Tagblatt as guest of the week. You can find the full interview text at the following link: interview


Prof. Katerina Harvati-Papatheodorou has been admitted to the Leopoldina Academy of Sciences for her outstanding scientific achievements.

Full press release 


What fossils reveal about hybridization of early humans

Researchers from the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen and from the University of Cape Town analyze how hybridization affected the skeleton

Press release - Link to the full publication


Flexible Apes: How Orangutan Mothers Communicate With Their Offspring
Together with a Swiss-German team, behavioral scientist Dr. Marlen Fröhlich from the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen has studied mother-offspring interactions in orangutans. The team paid particular attention to individual differences and flexibility in the communication strategies of orangutan mothers, which they studied both in the wild and in zoos. In their paper, published today in the journal “Proceedings of the Royal Society B,” the researchers show that the ape mothers adjust their communication highly individually to various social contexts. Differences exist not only in the composition of their gestural repertoire but also in their communicative tactics and responses to the requests of their young, irrespective of the environment.

Press release: PDF  - Link to the full publication


Current Biology Magazine featuring Prof. Dr. Katerina Harvati

Prof. Dr. Katerina Harvati was interviewed for the new volume of the Magazine Current Biology. In this interview she shares insights on her career and her research ambitions.

Congratulations on this great interview.

To read the full interview, please visit one of the links or access the pdf directly under downloads.


The interview is available online under:

The pdf of the interview is available online under:


Reports on Harvati and Hublin 'Morphological continuity of the face in the late Middle and Upper Pleistocene Hominins from North Western Africa - A 3-D geometric morphometric analysis'

Science News Focus ‘Was North Africa the Launch pad for modern human migrations?’


Interviews/Reports on Hubbe, Neves and Harvati

‘Testing dispersion scenarios for the settlement of the New World’ PLoS 1, 5 (6):e11105: Science magazine (ScienceNow), Deutchlandfunk, Spiegel online, Die Welt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagblatt, Tagesspiegel, Schwäbische Tagesblatt World Media (BBC and NPR), Der Standard (Austria), La Tercera (Chile), La Fohla (Brazil).

Other Interviews: National Geographic Magazine, Schwäbische Tagesblatt



Scientific American, Süddeutsche Zeitung,,, Schwäbische Tagesblatt


Reports on Richards, Harvati et al. ‘Isotope evidence of Neanderthal mobility’ Journal of Archaeological Science:

Associated Press, MSNBC online, AOL news, Yahoo news, Live, Guardian, Forbes, TIME, CBC, Canadian Press, USA Today, FOX news, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Newsday, n-tv, Leipziger Volkszeitung, WELT online, der,, other german media,, Eleutheros Typos, Ethnos, Nautemporiki.

Other Interviews: National Geographic Magazine feature article October 2008 ‘The Last Neanderthals

Greek National Television, Kathimerini (Kappa, 4/2/2008), Marie Claire, Ethnos, Eleutheros Typos, Ta Nea, Aggelioforos, Thessaloniki, Radio Thessaloniki, National Greek Radio ET3.


Iterviews/Reports on Grine, Bailey, Harvati et al. ‘Late Pleistocene Human Skull from Hofmeyr, South Africa, and Modern Human Origins’ Science 315: 226-229:

TIME magazine top ten scientific discoveries for 2007

The New York Times, International Herald Tribune, American Museum of Natural History Science Bulletin, Science News, Radio Canada, MDR-Figaro Radio, National Geographic News, Die Welt, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Spiegel online, GEO magazine, n-tv, Der, Leipziger Volkszeitung, Wochenkurier, Spektrum der Wissenschaft magazine, Kathimerini, Ta Nea, Apogeumatini, El Colombiano, The New Scientist.

Interview ‘Τα Νέα’ February 2007

Established Greek professors from foreign universities speak to «ΝΕΑ» about public higher education in Greece’.

Interviews/Reports on Tzedakis, Hughen, Cacho and Harvati ‘Placing Late Neanderthals in a climatic context’ Nature 449: 206-208:

Times, The Independent, Daily Telegraph, BBC online, Fox News online, Channel Four News, USA Today, Geotimes, World Science, Science Daily (Sciencedaily), Cordis, Spiegel online, Handelsblatt, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Die Presse (Die Presse) , Tagesspiegel (Der Tagesspiegel), Focus online, Leipziger Volkszeitung, CBC News Canada, Globo 1, El Periodico, Ta Nea, To Vima, Ethnos.

Reports on Harvati et al. ‘Cioclovina (Romania): Affinities of an early modern European’ Journal of Human Evolution 53:732-746:

Discovery News (Discovery News), ABC Science Online, Fossil Science, Leipziger Volkszeitung, Leipziger Internet-Zeitung, Telepolis.

Other Interviews:

Ta Nea, Sunday To Vima, Eleutherotypia, Eleutheros Typos, Sky Radio, Deutsche Welle Radio, Hessischer Rundfunk, Naftemporiki, To Arthro, Tachydromos, Greek American News Agency.


Interviews/Reports on Delson and Harvati ‘Return of the Last Neanderthal’ Nature 443:762-763:

Science, The New York Times, National Geographic News, The New Scientist,, Spiegel online, Die Welt, Handelsblatt, Frankfurter Rundschau, Leipziger Volkszeitung, Profil magazine (Austria), other german media.

Interview on Harvati ‘Petralona: Link between Africa and Europe?’ June 2006: Deutschlandfunk Radio

Alumna profile report: Folio (City Universtity of New York Graduate Center).


Reports on Harvati and Harrison Conference ‘Neanderthals Revisited’ New York January 2005:

Science (articles as pdf), The New York Times (Science Times section), International Herald Tribune.

Other Interviews: Hallo Leipzig


Interviews/Reports on Harvati et al. ‘Neanderthal taxonomy reconsidered’ PNAS 101:1147-1152:

Science, Nature (news and views in brief), The New York Times (Science Times section), The International Herald Tribune, Washington Post, USA Today, WNYC Radio (Leonard Lopate Show, BBC radio,, AP and AP radio, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, Channel Four News, Greek National Television,,,, Spiegel online, The Sunday To Vima (Vima Science), Ta Nea, Kathimerini, The National Herald.


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