Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Dr. Martin Hautzinger

E-Mail: hautzingerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

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Geschäftsführer der Tübinger Akademie für Kinder und Jugendlichen Psychotherapie

E-Mail: martin.hautzinger@takt-vt.de


Ko-Leitung der Fliednerklinik Stuttgart, Tagesklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

E-Mail: martin.hautzinger@fliedner.de


Aktuelle, laufende Foschungsprojekte:


Aktuelle geförderte Ausbildungsprojekte:


Aktuelle, ausgewählte Publikationen:

  • Kring AM, Johnson SL, Hautzinger M (2019) Klinische Psychologie. 9. vollständig überarbeitet Auflage des Lehrbuchs mit Online Materialien. Weinheim: Beltz
  • Kizilhan JI, Friedl N, Steger F, Rüegg N, Zaugg P, Moser CT, Hautzinger M (2019) Trauma Workbook for Psychotherapy students and practitioners. Lengerich: Pabst Sciene
  • Leuzinger-Bohler M, HautzingerM, Fiedler G, Keller W, Bahrke U, Kallenbach L, Kaufhold J, Ernst M, Negel A, Schoett M, Küchenhoff H, Günther F, Rüber B, Beutel M (2019) Outcome of Psychoanalytic and Cognitive-Behavioral Long-Term Therapy with Chronically Depressed Patients. A Controlled Trial with Preferential and Randomized Allocation. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 64, 47-58  [doi: 10.1177/0706743718780340]
  • Kasaeian A, Weidenauer C, Hautzinger M, Randler C (2019) Reproductive success relationship orientation and sexual behaviour in heterosexuals. Influence of sleep and gender. Archives of Sexual Behavior 40, 565-574
  • Stahl EA, Breen G, Forstner A ….. Hautzinger M …….. Cichon S, Ophoff RA, Scott LJ, Andreassen OA, Kelsie J, Sklar P (2019) Genome-wide association study indentifies 30 locie associated with Bipolar Disorder. Nature Genetic [doi.org/10.1101/173062]
  • Lex C, Hautzinger M, Meyer TD (2019) Symptoms, course of illness, and comorbitiy as predictors of expressed emotion in bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Research 276, 12-17
  • Schramm E, Kriston L, Elsaesser M, Fangmeier T, Meister R, Bausch P, Zobel I, Bailer J, Wambach L, Backenstrass M, Klein JP, Schoepf D, Schnell K, Gumz A, Löwe B, Walter H, Wolf M, Domschke K, Berger M, Hautzinger M, Härter M (2019) Two-year follow-up after treatment with the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy versus supportive psychotherapy for early onset chronic depression. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic 88, 154-165 [doi.org/10.1159/000500189]
  • Meister R, Jana L, Fangmeier T, Härter M, Schramm E, Zobel I, Hautzinger M, Nestoriuc Y, Kriston L (2019) Adverse events during a disorder-specific psychotherapy compared to a non-specific psychotherapy in patients with chronic depression. Journal of Clinical Psychology 76, 7-19 [doi.org/10.1002/jlp.22869]
  • Gräfe V, Berger T, Hautzinger M, Hohagen F, Lutz W, Meyer B, Moritz S, Rose M, Schröder J, Späte C, Klein JP, Greiner W (2019) Health economic evaluation of a web-based intervention for depression. The EVIDENT trial, a randomized controlled study. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 9, 16 [doi.org/10.1186/s13561-019-022-y]
  • Goldbeck F, Haipt A, Rosenbaum D, Rohe T, Fallgatter AJ, Hautzinger M, Ehlis AC (2019) The positive brain – Resting state functional connectivity in highly vital and flourishing individuals. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience [doi.org/10.3389/fuhum.2018.00540]
  • Doepfner M, Hautzinger M, Linden M (2020) Verhaltenstherapie Manual Kinder und Jugendliche. Heidelberg: Springer
  • Kwan JW, Bauer I, Hautzinger M, Meyer TD (2020) Reward sensitivity and the ourse of Bipolar Disorder in a treatment seeking sample. Journal of Affective Disorder 261, 126-130 [doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.10.002]
  • Poessel P, Roane SJ, Hautzinger M (2020) Does frontal brain activity mediate the effects of prevention programs in adolescents? A pilot study. International Journal of Psychology 55, 40-47 [doi: 10.1002/ijop.12573]
  • Wolf S, Zeibig JM, Hautzinger M, Sodeck G (2020) Psychische Gesundheit durch Bewegung. ImPuls – ein sport- und bewegungstherapeutisches Programm für Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen. Weinheim: Beltz


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