Englisches Seminar

Lehrstuhl für Neuere Englische Literatur

Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinfandt

Welcome to the website of the Chair of English Literatures from the 18th century to the present!

Here you will find information about staff members, courses, and current affairs. Course material is available in the download section. Valuable general resources for the study of English literatures and cultures have been collected in the links section. Recordings of lectures by Christoph Reinfandt can be found online at timms (Tübinger Internet Multimedia Server).

Office Hours in Winter Term 2024/25 (beginning Thursday, 24 Oct)

Thursday, 14-16 (not on 14 Nov, 12 Dec, 6 Feb)

Office Hours in Summer Term 2025

Wednesday, 14-16 (not on 30 April, 28 May, 9 July)

Before the Summer Term 2025:

  • Thursday, 13 Feb, 9.30-11.00
  • Thursday, 20 Feb, 11.15-12.30
  • Thursday, 6 Mar, 9.30-11.00
  • Thursday, 20 March, 9.30-11.00
  • Thursday, 3 April, 9.30-11.00

Please sign up in advance by e-mail!

Room: 371
Phone:  +49 (0)7071 29 78 449

Email: christoph.reinfandtspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Department of English
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstraße 50
72074 Tübingen


Main areas of research:


Contextualized close reading, Systems Theory and Discourse Analysis, Narratology

Publications of Christoph Reinfandt



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