Englisches Seminar


Am Donnerstag, dem 9. Januar 2025 wird die nordirische Autorin Jan Carson in Tübingen zu Besuch sein. In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich Jan Carson als eine der kraftvollsten und beeindruckendsten literarischen Stimmen Nordirlands einen Namen gemacht. Auf der internationalen Bühne erschien sie 2019 mit ihrem zweiten Roman The Fire Starters, für den sie den Literaturpreis der Europäischen Union erhielt. Die deutsche Übersetzung erschien 2023 unter dem Titel Firestarter im Verlag liebeskind. Während The Fire Starters eine Bestandsaufnahme der Situation in Belfast nach dem Karfreitagsabkommen von 1998 ist, beschreibt ihr bislang jüngster Roman The Raptures (2022) eindringlich, wie ein protestantisches Dorf im Jahre 1992 mit dem mysteriösen Tod von 10 Kindern umgeht. Neben Romanen verfasst Jan Carson Kurzgeschichten – Children’s Children (2016), Postcard Stories 1 & 2 (2017 & 2018) sowie aktuell Quickly, While They Still Have Horses (2024). Während der Pandemie schrieb sie einen Zyklus von Kurzgeschichten, der auf BBC Radio 4 gelesen wurde und als Buch erschien: The Last Resort (2020). In Tübingen sind folgende Termine mit Jan Carson für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich (in englischer Sprache):


Donnerstag, 9.1.25, 10.15-11.45, Hörsaal 037, Brechtbau (Wilhelmstr. 50):


            Jan Carson liest aus ihren Werken und diskutiert Funktionen der Fiktion

  mit Christoph Reinfandt (Englisches Seminar)


Donnerstag, 9.1.25, 19.00 (s.t.!)-20.30, Alte Aula (Münzgasse 30)


            Jan Carson liest aus ihren Werken


Kontakt:          Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinfandt, Englisches Seminar

                        christoph.reinfandtspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Dear students and colleagues,


On Thursday, 9 January, 2025 the Northern Irish writer Jan Carson will visit Tübingen. In recent years, Jan Carson has made her name as one of the most powerful and impressive literary voices emerging from Northern Ireland. She became internationally known when her second novel The Fire Starters won the EU Prize for Literature in 2019. While The Fire Starters takes stock of the situation in Belfast after the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, her most recent novel The Raptures (2022) paints an intense picture of a protestant village coping with the mysterious death of 10 school children in 1992. Besides novels, Jan Carson has written numerous short stories – Children’s Children (2016), Postcard Stories 1 & 2 (2017 & 2018) and most recently Quickly, While They Still Have Horses (2024). During the pandemic she wrote a short story cycle for BBC Radio 4 which was also published in book form: The Last Resort (2020). In Tübingen you are cordially invited to attend the following events:


Thursday, 9 January, 2025, room 037, Brechtbau (Wilhelmstr. 50):


            Jan Carson reading from her works and discussing Functions of Fiction

  with Christoph Reinfandt (English Department)


Thursday, 9 January, 2025, 19.00 (s.t.!)-20.30, Alte Aula (Münzgasse 30)


            Jan Carson reading from her works


Contact:          Prof. Dr. Christoph Reinfandt, Englisches Seminar

                        christoph.reinfandtspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

[2019-12-05]~ ‘I think that short fiction has a unique energy’: Mary O‘Donnell reading from Empire

[2018-11-22]~ The Art of Playwrighting: Marina Carr Reading from her Works

[2017-08-01]~ Handbook of the English Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

Christoph Reinfandt (Hrsg.)

The Handbook systematically charts the trajectory of the English novel from its emergence as the foremost literary genre in the early twentieth century to its early twenty-first century status of eccentric eminence in new media environments. Systematic chapters address ̒The English Novel as a Distinctly Modern Genreʼ, ̒The Novel in the Economy’, ̒Genres’, ̒Gender’ (performativity, masculinities, feminism, queer), and ̒The Burden of Representationʼ (class and ethnicity). Extended contextualized close readings of more than twenty key texts from Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899) to Tom McCarthy’s Satin Island (2015) supplement the systematic approach and encourage future research by providing overviews of reception and theoretical perspectives.

Available here:



Also available for students

The book is availabe to download from within the "Uninetz" via the following link:


For remote access via the cisco client, please follow these instructions:


[2017-05-04]~ Guest Lecture by Lawrence Grossberg

[2017-03-10]~ E-Publication of 'The Literary Market in the UK'




The Literary Market in the UK

edited by Amrei Katharina Nensel and Christoph Reinfandt

can be accessed and cited via the following links:




[2016-12-01]~ Recent Book Publication

Theory Matters:

The Place of Theory in Literary and Cultural Studies Today

Editors: Martin Middeke and Christoph Reinfandt

New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016

With contributions by:

David Alworth (Harvard), Derek Attridge (York), Thomas Docherty (Warwick), Sebastian Domsch (Greifswald), Lars Eckstein (Potsdam), Dino Galetti (Johannesburg), Nicola Glaubitz (Darmstadt), Herbert Grabes (Gießen), Ingrid Hotz-Davies (Tübingen), Christian Huck (Kiel), Martin Middeke (Augsburg), J. Hillis Miller (Irvine), Benjamin Noys (Chichester), Christoph Reinfandt (Tübingen), Gerold Sedlmayr (Dortmund), Richard Walsh (York), Dirk Wiemann (Potsdam), Julian Wolfreys (Portsmouth), Hubert Zapf (Augsburg).

For the flyer, please click here.

For a link to amazon.de with a complete table of contents, please click here.

[2016-04-21]~ Prof. Raj Rao, Pune University - Rotating India Chair