Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Incoming exchange students

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You want to spend a semester or two at our faculty? Good choice!

Tübingen is a place of research and teaching. Some 28,000 students from Germany and around the world join the town’s regular population of around 90,000 every year to study in this beautiful and vibrant city. Every semester, some 120 exchange students come for an international experience to our faculty. While getting to know the Tübingen way of studying, you can enjoy an international flair.
Come join us and enjoy excellent teaching and an international atmosphere at one of Germany's universities of excellence. Situated in the picturesque medieval town of Tübingen and located in the sunny southwest of Germany, the University can look back on more than 500 years of teaching. Rich in culture and history, alive with a broad range of entertainment and sports activities all in easy access of the campus, Tübingen is certainly the perfect university setting.

Application and Admission Process

There are different ways to apply for an exchange at our faculty. If you are from Europe, there is the inner-Europe exchange program ERASMUS. If you're not from a European country, you may benefit from our worldwide network of partner universities. Furthermore, there is always the possibility to apply for the admission of international students whose university does not belong to our current partner universities or exchange programmes.

Incoming exchange students are administrated centrally at the International Office. You are admitted as non-degree student for a limited study period (one or two semesters). As an international programme student, you are allowed to register for classes and to earn credits under the same conditions as regular students at our university.
You can find more detailed information about the application and admission process using the link in the "Downloads and Links" section down below.

Important: the application deadlines are May 31 for the winter term and December 31 for the summer term.

English Course Offer

During your stay as an exchange student at our faculty, you can attend various courses offered by our institutes that are taught in English. Apart from that, there are many courses with an international focus. The online course catalogue will give you insight into the courses offered at our faculty and allows you to plan your studies with us.


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