University Library


University Library contact:

Suggest a book or other library resource if you believe we lack an important work. This list shows recently purchased media.

Electronic acquisitions


Literature by subject

can be found in the University Library in the "med" section

  • in the Ammerbau reference holdings (non-circulating reference works)
  • in the Circulation Desk textbook collection (circulating textbooks and basic literature)
  • in the Ammerbau journal display (non-circulating current journals)


Other specialist information

Medicine - Stock profile

Tübingen University Library acquires literature on medicine in the entire breadth of the subject, e.g. also those on the history of medicine.

In addition, the UB has an extensive and valuable old collection (15th-19th century) of approx. 13,400 monographic titles, 66,500 medical dissertations and 360 journals from the field of medicine. The old holdings (acquisitions up to 1960) can be found under the shelfmark group "I" from "Ia" (General), "Ib" (Anatomy and Physiology) to "Im" (Veterinary Medicine).

In addition, the UB has maintained a special physicians' library with its own holdings since 1966, which is financed by the South Württemberg District Medical Association. This library is used specifically for the information and training of practicing physicians in the region, but is of course also available to other interested parties.


The holdings of the Physicians' Library are listed in their entirety in the Catalog plus. Books of the Doctors' Library are easily recognizable by their shelfmark, which begins with AR.

Thus, by entering "AR*" in a signature query, you can find the entire inventory.

Location and Lending

The books in the Physicians' Library (AR 66 ff) are located in the Ammerbau on Level 5 and are all available for home loan.

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