Please also refer to the holdings of the Mathematics and Physics Library of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
University Library contact:
Suggest a book or other library resource if you believe we lack an important work. This list shows recently purchased media.
Electronic acquisitions
- Databases, in particular:
- Subject portals:
- Electronic journals
- E-Books
- Electronic theses of the University of Tübingen
Literature by subject
can be found in the University Library in the "math" section
- in the Ammerbau reference holdings (non-circulating reference works)
- in the textbook collection (circulating textbooks and basic literature) in the Branch Library Natural Sciences
- in the journal display (non-circulating current journals) in the Branch Library Natural Sciences
Other specialist information
Institutions and Organizations:
- Department of Mathematics of the University of Tübingen
- Oberwolfach Research Institute of Mathematics
- Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe, European Mathematical Information Service
- Mathematikum Gießen
- German Mathematical Society
- American Mathematical Society
- American Statistical Association