University Library


The University Library consults with the Institute of Musicology on the acquisition of literature.

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Suggest a book or other library resource if you believe we lack an important work. This list shows recently purchased media.

Electronic acquisitions

Literature by subject

can be found in the University Library in the "mus" section

  • in the Ammerbau reference holdings (non-circulating reference works)
  • in the Circulation Desk textbook collection (circulating textbooks and basic literature)
  • in the Ammerbau journal display (non-circulating current journals)


Stock profile

For musicology, the UB acquires handbooks and reference works as well as basic monographs. As source material, the UB acquires editions of works by important composers. The work of the Musicology Institute, which mainly works on music history but also has a collection of musical instruments, has resulted in a focus on content. For example, extensive literature is available on Schubert and Tchaikovsky.

Musica Practica and performance material is not acquired. For the 17th/18th century, however, the Kick Collection (catalog: mus B 140 / 24 A 5618) is an extensive historical collection of regionally significant instrumental works.