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Stellenausschreibungen der Koreanistik

Stellenausschreibungen von externen Firmen

Korean Air Cargo, Frankfurt - Cargo Operation/Traffic Agent

Korean Air Cargo is looking for a Cargo Operation Officer for Export/Import Cargo handling

Main Duties:
Cargo Operation/Traffic Agent is responsible for the operation of Korean Air's cargo business.

The roles specified above will be shared in shift form with colleagues doing the same work, and you will work according to the flight schedule.

The primary role is the cargo aircraft Loadmaster, and the person is trained and qualified to perform this role. (If you are not qualified for these roles, we can provide the required training during your contract period). In addition, we monitor and give instructions on the work performed by Ground Handling Agents for import cargo.

Additionally, English communication skills with the head office in Korea are required.

Workplace is FRA airport, Cargo City South

  • Required Experience:
  • Language (German)
  • Language (English)
  • IT (MS OFFICE or Google Workspace)
  • Experience in the Air Cargo industry (preferred)
  • Driver's license

Mr. Berend Kalow (KE Cargo Operations Manager)
By E-mail (berend.kalow@koreanair.com)

Including the document as follows:

  • Personal photo
  • CV / Resume
  • Career certificate
  • Education certificate
  • Self-introduction

Submitted documents will only be used for the hiring process in accordance with the EU GDPR and will not be returned to the applicant regardless of the selection result.

[Stellenausschreibung als PDF zum Download]

KOTRA, Frankfurt - Mitarbeiter*in Marketing

Hyundai Mobis, Eschborn

Hyundai Mobis, ein Schwesterunternehmen von Hyundai Motor Group, sucht nach vielen neuen Mitarbeitern, die in Eschborn mitwirken.

Die verschiedenen Stellenangebote sind unter folgendem Link zu finden: https://jobs.hyundai-mobis.eu/jobs

Sungwoo Hitech GmbH - Praktikum deutsch / koreanisch

Sungwoo Hitech GmbH, Niederaichbach - Dolmetscher Deutsch / Koreanisch (m/w/d)


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