

1st Conference “Colonial Memories: Comparative Perspective on German, Japanese, and Korean Cases”, 10.-12.06.2015 in Tübingen

In this small but meaningful workshop, scholars from Germany, Japan, and Korea will probe a new understanding of colonial experience in comparative perspective. We specifically review the mutual inter-relations between the colonizer and the colonized, focusing on the Japanese and Korean experience. In addition, the workshop will deal with other experiences between the UK and India, as well as Germany and Africa. We hope that this small step will lead to continuous workshops in the near future to examine the division of North and South Korea in relation to the colonial experience in comparison with the German experience. We examine this issue not only from a historical perspective but also from sociological, cultural, and linguistic perspectives.

The Doshisha University as well as the Korea University are each hosting the Tuebingen University branches of the Japanese and the Korean Studies department in Japan and South Korea respectively. Through this workshop we expect to intensify our cooperation with our partners in East Asia.

Organized by the Department of Japanese Studies and Department of Chinese and Korean Studies at University of Tuebingen in cooperation with Doshisha University and Korea University

Kindly supported by the Universitätsbund Tübingen e.V.


Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Alte Aula
Münzgasse 22-30
72070 Tübingen
Map: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/de/1279

Workshop Program

Download Program

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

15:00-15:30 Arrivals and Greetings
Welcoming Remarks by Dean Prof. Dr. Jürgen Leonhardt (College of Humanities, University of Tuebingen)
Jong Chol An (University of Tuebingen)

15:40-16:10 Introduction of the Project
The Memory of Korean Settlements and an Underground Military Factory in Osaka
Osamu Hattori (Doshisha University)

16:10-18:30 Colonial Memories and Everyday Life
Transnational Sites of Memory: Reflections of Rikidozan / Yeoktosan
Itagaki Ryuta (Doshisha University)

17:15-18:30 Coffee Break
1940 Graffiti Incident at Elementary Schools and Its Competing Memories
Byung-Wook Jung (Korea University)

19:00 Dinner at Wurstküche, Am Lustnauer Tor 8, 72074 Tübingen

Thursday, June 11, 2015

08:30-09:00 Morning Coffee

09:00-12:00 Colonial Memories and Social Change
Remembering trans-imperial anti-colonialism: the recent Korean commemoration of Indian and Canadian critics of Japanese rule
Satoshi Mizutani (Doshisha University)
Heartless Godness or Eminent Domain?: Colonial Dam Projects and Their Impacts upon Local Residents in Northeastern Korea
Jong Chol An (University of Tuebingen)

10:50-11:00 Coffee Break
The Specter of Colonial Crackdown that Marked Non/Vagrant: Signifier of Vagrant in Hyŏngje Pokchiwŏn Discourse (1987) and Its Colonial Roots
Soyoung Lee (University of Tuebingen)

12:15-13:30 Lunch at Prinz Karls Mensa, Hafengasse 72070 Tübingen

13:30-16:00 Colonial Memories and Comparative Perspective I
Colonial Memory and Representation of Landscape: Japanese Fishermen Immigration and Modern Cultural/Historical Street Project in Kuryongp’o
Bok-Kyu Yum (University of Seoul)
Colonial memory and national history: Namibian-German and Korean-Japanese relationship in comparison
Nagahara Yoko (Kyoto University)

16:00-16:20 Coffee Break

16:20-17:40 Colonial Memories and Comparative Perspective II
Language policy in the occupation time - the German and the Japanese case
Viktoria Eschbach-Szabo (University of Tuebingen)

17:40-18:20 Discussion for the Next Workshop

18:30 Dinner at Kelter Restaurant, Schmiedtorstraße 17, 72070 Tübingen

Friday, June 12, 2015

08:30-09:00 Morning Coffee

09:00-11:45 Colonial Memories and Publication
The Reemergence of the Proletarian Subject in South Korean Comics of the 1960s
Jerome De Wit (University of Tuebingen)

10:15-10:30 Coffee Break
Tsubuyaki 呟’ Murmur: Space for Utterance and Articulation for Zainichi Korean Women— Hōsenka 鳳仙花 and Chi ni fune wo koge 地に舟をこげ

Jackie Kim-Wachutka (University of Tuebingen)

11:45-12:30 Discussion and Report for Next Step



Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Alte Aula
Münzgasse 22-30
72070 Tübingen
Map: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/de/1279


Hotel Krone Tübingen
Uhlandstraße 1
72072 Tübingen

Telephone +49 7071 1331-0
Email infospam prevention@krone-tuebingen.de

http://www.krone-tuebingen.de/en/index.htm (English)


Prof. Jong-Chol An
Email: jong-chol.anspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
AOI Dpt. for Chinese and Korean Studies
Wilhelmstr. 133
72074 Tübingen


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