Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft


Moritz Ege - Public Lecture as part of the International Summer School „Problematizing Morality. Ethnographic Approaches to the Normative Dimensions of Everyday Life“

Thursday, 26.09.2019, 10:30

Moritz Ege - Problematizing Moralizing. On the Politics of Anti-Moralist Critique in the Current Conjuncture


In social science and public debates, ‘moralists’ are often treated as contemptible figures. In both fields, the borders between reflections on normativity that are deemed appropriate, on the one hand, and illegitimate forms of ‘moralizing’ on the other are far from clear, however. Using examples from public discourse and ethnography, Moritz Ege will explore these ambiguities by discussing genealogies of anti-moralism, its current political entanglements, and conclusions to be drawn for research on ethics and politics.

The International Summer School is jointly organized by members of the Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology, the Collaborative Research Center 923 "Threatened Order - Societies under Stress", and the Department of Sociology. It is funded by the Institutional Strategy of the University of Tübingen (ZUK 63), the University’s Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, and Universitätsbund Tübingen e.V.

Public Lectures at Schloss Hohentübingen (Hörsaal Klassische Archäologie/Ernst von Sieglin)

