Institut für Soziologie

Silke Büchau, Dr.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Wilhelmstraße 36 (Hegelbau), Raum 104
72074 Tübingen
E-Mail: silke.buechauspam


nach Voranmeldung per E-Mail.

Kurze Biografie

seit April 2021
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

in dem DFG-Projekt “Family policy information, gender ideologies and normative judgements of the gender division of labour”.

Doktorandin im Fach Soziologie, Universität Tübingen

Promotion im Fach Soziologie, Universität Tübingen
Titel „Parenthood, relationship processes and family policy in Germany“ (magna cum laude)

Master of Arts Soziologie, Universität Mannheim

Masterarbeit: „Work-family life courses and health in later life“ (Note: 1,0)

Bachelor of Arts Soziologie mit Nebenfach Französisch, Universität Hamburg

Bachelorarbeit: „Einfluss sozialstruktureller Merkmale und umweltbezogener Einstellungen auf das Umweltverhalten“ (Note: 1,0)


an der Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense


  • Arbeitsteilung in Familien
  • Familien- und frühkindliche Bildungspolitik
  • Quantitative Methoden


Marie-Fleur Philipp, Silke Büchau, Pia S Schober, Who Should Scale Back? Experimental Evidence on Employer Support for Part-Time Employment and Working Hours Norms for Couples with Young Children, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 2023;, jxad034.

Büchau, S., Philipp, M.-F., Schober, P. S., & Spiess, C. K. (2023). Day care availability and awareness of gendered economic risks: How they shape work and care norms. Journal of European Social Policy, 0(0).

Büchau, S. (2023) Relationship processes, family polices and the parental division of labour in Germany, Dissertation, Social Sciences (online).

Philipp, M.F., Büchau, S., Schober, P.S. & Spiess, C.K. (2023) Parental leave policies, take-up consequences and changing normative beliefs: evidence
from a survey experiment, Gender & Society.

S. Schober, P., & Büchau, S. (2022). "Chapter 11: How parenting leaves impact parental employment, family work, and gender norms: a literature review". In Research Handbook on Leave Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Retrieved Feb 28, 2023, from

Büchau, S., Philipp, M.F., Schober, P. S., Spiess, C.K. (2022): Day care availability and awareness of gendered economic risks: How they shape work and care norms. BiB Working Paper 7/2022. Wiesbaden: Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung.

Schober, P.S., Büchau, S., Philipp, M.S., C.K. Spiess, Bozoyan, C., & Schmiedeberg, C. (2022): The Factorial Survey Experiment on "Normative Judgements of Work-Care Arrangements" in the German Family Panel. pairfam Technical Paper No. 19.

Büchau, S., Schober, P. S., & Becker, D. (2021). Couples’ Communication Behaviour and the Gender Division of Family Work Across the Transition to Parenthood. Journal of Family Issues, 0(0).




Who should scale back? Experimental evidence on employer support of part-time employment and working hours norms for couples with young children, 7th pairfam Interdisciplinary International Conference, online, May 2022


Policy information and normative judgements of work-care arrangements - Experimental evidence from Germany, DGS family sociology autumn conference, online, November 2021

Day care policy information and normative judgements of work-care arrangements
- Experimental evidence from Germany -, International User Conference of the German Family Panel pairfam, online, September 2021

The role of paternal involvement in childcare for maternal employment in Germany – Under which circumstances?, DGS family sociology spring conference, online, March 2021


The role of father’s early involvement in family work for mother’s employment in Germany – Under which circumstances?, The European Network for Social Policy Analysis, PhD online seminar, September 2020

Couples’ communication and the gender division of family work across the transition to parenthood in Germany, European Consortium of Sociological Research Online Conference, July 2020

Couples’ communication and the gender division of family work across the transition to parenthood in Germany, Swedish Institute for Social Research, online, April 2020

Do partners’ gender ideologies and communication behaviour predict the division of housework across the transition to parenthood?, Workshop on Inequality processes at the University of Tübingen, January 2020


Wasmer, M., Kwasniok, S., & Kialunda, A. (2018). Welche Gruppen werden mit der Formulierung "in Deutschland lebende Ausländer" assoziiert? Entwicklung eines Kategorienschemas zu einer offenen Frage im ALLBUS 2016. (GESIS Papers, 2018/12). Köln: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.


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