Institut für Soziologie

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bani Gill

Junior Professorin, Urban Futures of the Global South


Institut für Soziologie
Wilhelmstraße 36 (Hegelbau)
1. Stock, Raum 110
72074 Tübingen
 +49 7071 29 78381



Nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail: bani.gillspam


Junior Professor “Urban Futures of the Global South”

University of Tuebingen

Research Affiliate

Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Project “Peak Urban”

Centre on Migration Policy and Society, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford. UKRI GCRF Funded project “PEAK Urban”, PI Prof Michael Keith at the University of Oxford.

Research Affiliate

Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen

External Lecturer

Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

PhD Researcher in the project “Emerging Worlds”

Department of Cross Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Independent Research Fund Denmark funded project “Emerging Worlds- Ethnographic Explorations of New South- South Connections”, PI Prof Ravinder Kaur

MA Erasmus Mundus Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations

University of Oldenburg, University of Stavanger and Makerere University

MA Modern History

Jawaharlal Nehru University

BA History

University of Delhi

Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre

  • Southern Urbanisms
  • South-South Migration
  • South Asia, West Africa, Africa-India Encounters
  • Race, Racialization, and Gender
  • Ethnography
  • Law, Policing, and the State



2024 Gill, Bani (2024). The social life of illegality: Suspicion and surveillance against African migrants in urban India. American Anthropologist
2024 Gill, Bani (2024). The work of Proximity: Migration as Coexistence. In Proximity as Method: Concepts for Coexistence in the Global Past and Present, (ed.) Flemmer, Gill and Kosgei. Routledge

2024 Flemmer, Riccarda, Bani Gill and Jacky Kosgei (eds.) (2024)/ Proximity as Method: Concepts for Coexistence in the Global Past and Present. Routledge

2021         Gill, B. “Dead Papers: Migrant ‘Illegality’, City Brokers and the Dilemma of Exit for Unauthorized African Migrants in Delhi”. Journal of Ethnic and
Migration Studies. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2021.1940891
2021 Mallet-Garcia, M., & Gill, B. “Introduction: Race, Ethnicity and Migration”. Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. Nouvelle série (51) 1.
2020 Gill, B. “COVID 19, Undocumented Migrants, and Race: A view from India”. Chakra: A Nordic Journal of South Asian Studies, (1): 113- 121. 
2018 Gill, B. “Behind the Silence: Sexual Violence against Afghan and Burmese Refugee Women in Delhi”. In U. Butalia (Ed.), Breaching the Citadel: The India Papers. Zubaan Books, 101-136.
2018 Gill, B. “Embodying Peace: Survivor Narratives and the Marked Body in Post Conflict Northern Uganda”. In J. Kuhnemund & L. Tommila (Eds.), Exploring Intervention: Displacement, Cultural Practices and Social Knowledge in Uganda. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 229-256.
2014 Hollander, T., & Gill, B. “Every Day the War Continues in My Body: Examining the ‘Marked Body’ in Post Conflict Northern Uganda”. International Journal of Transitional Justice, 8(2): 217-234.
2012 Gill, B. “Border Dialogues”. Peace Prints: South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, 4(2): Winter.


Public Engagement Activities

“Migration and Urban Futures- Understanding the Challenges faced by African migrants in Urban India”(Gill, B.), Research Brief, Forthcoming.
“The Politics of Hair : Indian Hair and Nigerian Entrepreneurs” (Gill, B.), in: South-South Globalisation Podcast, 2021
“Locked Down and Locked In : Covid-19 and African Migrants in India” (Gill, B.(, Blogpost, in: COMPAS Coronavirus and Mobility Forum, 2020
”The Horizon Is An Imaginary Line : A Refugee Story (Gill, B. and Mahendru, R.), 2017,Khoj International Artists’ Association..

Grants and Scholarships

2022 Recipient of Marie Sklodowska- Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (beginning September 2023)
2022 Recipient of DFF International Postdoctoral Grant (Declined)
2021-2022 Seed Funding, Utrecht University (“Sensing the postcolonial migrant body”, PI Dr Manpreet Janeja)
2020-2022 Postdoctoral Fieldwork Grant, John Fell Research Fund, University of Oxford.
2015-2016 PhD fieldwork grants received from Asian Dynamics Initiative, Denmark; Oticon Fonden, Denmark; and AugustinusFonden, Denmark.
2015-2018 Recipient of the DFF funded ‘Emerging Worlds’ PhD Scholarship, University of Copenhagen.
2011-2013 Recipient of Erasmus Mundus MA Scholarship (European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations).


Positions and Membership

2018-2021 Editor, Refugee Review, open –source, peer reviewed journal of the Emerging Scholars and Practitioners on Migration Issues Network.
2016- 2021 Executive Committee, Emerging Scholars and Practitioners on Migration Issues Network,
2016- Present Member of European Association of Social Anthropologists, European Association of South Asia Studies.
2018-Present Curatorial Board Member, Majha House: Cultural Centre for Literature and Arts, Amritsar, India.


Workshops, Conferences and Seminars (Select)

2021 "Nocturnal Microsites in the Emerging City: African Kitchens in Metropolitan Delhi". 26th European Conference on South Asian Studies.
2021 "Race and Deportation Infrastructures in India", Oxford Migration and Mobility Network Conference on "Deportation, its Aftermath and its Contestations", University of Oxford.
2020 "Dead Papers: Migrant “Illegality” and the Dilemma of Exit for Undocumented West African Migrants in Delhi". 16th European Association of Social Anthropologists Biennial Conference.
2020 Co-organiser, "Race, Ethnicity and Migration", COMPAS Seminar Series, Michaelmas Term, University of Oxford.
2020 Co-organiser, "Performance and Power in Delhi", University of Oxford.
2018 Co-organiser and Participant, "Ethnography of Connections", University of Copenhagen.
2018 Participant, "Cre-debt: Urban Poverty, New Credit Economies and the Global War on Cash", University of Copenhagen.
2017 Panelist on "Refugees in the City". City Scripts 2017, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Delhi.
2016 Participant, "Power, Inequality and Citizenship in the Global South", co-organized by University of Copenhagen, University of Amsterdam, New York University.
2018 Participant, Yale Modern South Asia Workshop, Yale University and Ashoka University,  Sonepat.
2018 "Split Ends: Exploring the Transnational Trade in Human Hair Between India and Africa". Africa- Asia ‘A New Axis of Knowledge’ Second Edition, University of Dar es Salaam, Association for Asian Studies in Africa, International Institute for Asian Studies, and the International Convention of Asia Scholars.
2018 Panelist on "New Dissemination Practices & Public Engagement in Forced Migration Research".  17th International Association for Study of Forced Migration, Thessaloniki.
2016 "On Waiting: An Ethnographic Study of Somali Refugees in Delhi, India". 24th European Conference on South Asian Studies, Warsaw.
2016 "Towards an Ethnography of ‘Transit’: Case study of Somali Refugees in Delhi, India". 16th International Association for Study of Forced Migration’, Poland.
2016 "Getting By: Narratives of Everyday Social Practices of West African Migrants in Delhi". British Association for South Asia Studies Annual Conference, University of Cambridge.
2015 "Migrant Voices’ and ‘Methodologies: Researching Gender", University College London.
2015 "South- South Mobilities". Forum for South Asia Studies Conference, Uppsala University.



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